Chapter 358 How about half a million?

Zhai Benben suddenly felt black in front of his eyes, the sky was spinning, and Huo Ran’s mouth was too damaged, and if Huo Ran continued to use such a silly nonsense, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.

“Huo Ran, I’m not here to make fun of you. I’m here to tell you that making a movie requires capital.” Zhai Benben said angrily.

Yes, this is the purpose of Zhai Benben’s trip, to humiliate Huo Ran for making movies without money.

If Zhai Benben said these words at the beginning, it might still be a bit humiliating.

But at this time, Zhai Benben said something like this in a furious tone, but it didn’t have any power. On the contrary, it seemed to be telling a joke.

So, Huo Ran laughed really unkindly in the next moment.

“What are you laughing at?” Zhai Benben asked, staring.

Huo Ran shook his head: “The quality of movie 553 can’t be judged by you or me. Or, let’s compare? Do you dare?”

Zhai Benben was dazzled by anger at this time. Without thinking about whether Huo Ran had any suspicion of putting himself on the hook, he snorted coldly after hearing the words, “Is there anything I dare not compare to?!”

“Strengthening quality, of course, is better than the amount of finished broadcasting! We both set a certain amount of finished broadcasting, and the one whose film reaches this amount first will win.”

Huo Ran said: “The amount of the broadcast is the amount we bet on.

“Deal.” Zhai Benben almost agreed without even thinking about it.

After all, he has confidence in the strength of his film (bcbh), and he is full of contempt for the film made by Huo Ran from the heart.

“Then Director Zhai, can you tell me the number first?” Huo Ran made a “please” gesture to Zhai Benben.

Zhai Benben was not polite, nodded, and pondered for a moment: “Five hundred thousand, how about it?”

“Five hundred thousand?” Huo Ran raised his eyebrows and exclaimed.

“Why? Don’t dare? Need to drop a little bit?” Seeing Huo Ran’s reaction, Zhai Benben was extremely satisfied.

In the next moment, Huo Ran chuckled and shook his hand: “I thought Huo Dao was so wealthy. It took him a long time to raise a bet of 500,000.

It seemed that he couldn’t stand Huo Ran’s cynicism, and Pan Benben’s face was blue and white: “Understood, we are betting on the end of the broadcast, not the broadcast.

Speaking of this, seeing Huo Ran seemingly smiling, with a slightly mocking smile, Zhai Benben gritted his teeth: “Then tell me, you can bet as much as you say.”

After hearing the words, Zhi Ran smiled and raised three fingers at Zhai Ben Benjian.

E, three hundred thousand, let me just say, five hundred thousand he dare not bet.

This was Zhai Benben’s subconscious thoughts after seeing Zhiran raised his three fingers.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong.

If Huo Ran wants to lower his gambling amount, why did he laugh at himself just now and only dared to raise a gambling amount of 500,000.


As if to testify to Zhai Benben’s thoughts, Huo Ran spoke lightly and said lightly, “Just bet three million.”

Hearing Huo Ran’s words, Zhai Benben only felt that the next moment, a loud bang came from his head.

“Three million? What’s a joke?”

Zhai Benben was shocked and angry. He felt that Huo Ran was playing with himself sincerely at this moment: “Even the myth of the online movie that has been broadcasted in the past tens of millions, it may not have a completion rate of 3 million!”

But not only Zhai Benben was so excited, even Brother Yu, who was sitting next to Huo Ran, couldn’t help but his eyes widened, and he didn’t understand what was wrong with Huo Ran’s mind.

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