Chapter 361 Tacitly (see monthly ticket for full order)

When either party’s broadcast volume reaches 2 million and wins this bet, then the 6 million bet will be credited to the winning party’s account as soon as possible.

As for the interest generated during the gambling on the six million high-value assets, whether Huo Ran or Zhai Benben, they are not stingy people, tacitly.

These interests are just a little bit of “hard work” for Mr. Cheng who provided this notary service.

“Mr. Cheng, thank you so much, I even ran over to preside over this kid-like farce during my busy schedule.”

After Zhai Benben left, Huo Ran did not continue to face the middle-aged man 12 years before pretending to be strange.

After all, the other party is Zhao Tengyun’s subordinate. Although Kong Jing tried her best to clear the relationship with the Zhao family, there were some things that could not be cleared away, just like this Mr. Cheng.

After Huo Ran took the two crews into the film and television city, the first thing was not to find someone, honestly, and cleverly “pay a pier”?

Hearing Huo Ran’s words, Mr. Cheng smiled lightly: “A gambling of three million is not a kid-like farce. Huo Production, this is really good.”

Although he could hear Mr. Cheng’s words, it was obvious that there was something in the words, but Huo Ran still showed a posture of “pretending to be confused”, and smiled slightly: “It’s all small troubles, making Mr. Cheng laughed.”

When Mr. Cheng heard the words, he looked at Huo Ran sharply: “I just don’t know, does Mr. Jing from your company know about the so-called “small fight” made by Huo?”

Hearing Mr. Cheng’s question, Huo Ran couldn’t help frowning slightly, and a little bit of displeasure was also born in his heart.

It seemed that he had seen a precursor to the smell of gunpowder between the two, Yu Ge took the initiative to explain to Mr. Cheng: “Uncle Cheng misunderstood, this online movie was invested by Huo Ran himself.”

“So Xiao Jing had already ordered that all matters related to this online movie, oh, and the online drama that was filmed at the same time, should be handled by Huo Ran himself.”

However, President Cheng seemed to still firmly believe in this matter, and said in a serious tone: “But these two film and television dramas are under the banner of Jing Headquarters, right? Losing money is not terrible, but the terrible thing is Lost the signboard.”

Hearing what the other party said, Huo Ran finally couldn’t bear it, and asked, “Mr Cheng is so sure that I will lose this bet?”

“It’s not that I underestimated you. I also heard about you, an online movie. Although Zhai Benben’s movie was made much later than yours, you have lost more than one grade regardless of the cast, production level, and service level. ”

Mr. Cheng said firmly: “I heard that you have been running websites these days, and there is no online broadcasting platform to buy your online movies, right?”

“However, as far as I know, this online movie by Zhai Benben was purchased by Yiteng Video before it was turned on.

“Furthermore, has started to create momentum for this online movie from now on. It can be said that Renjia 557’s movie grew up with a golden spoon, and the results will never be low. And you guys.”

When Zhiran heard the words, she shook her head impatiently: “There is no point in discussing these now, but Mr. Cheng, I can only tell you that this bet is definitely not me who loses in the end. Let’s wait and see. .”

“Why don’t you young man listen to me and persuade Mr. Cheng to say something more, but Huo Ran waved his hand and interrupted him.

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