Chapter 364 Personal account transfer movie (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Talking and laughing, everyone knows that film review requires a process. How could it be possible that the filming was just finished yesterday and the premiere today?

Besides, didn’t China say that they haven’t found a broadcasting platform for this movie yet?

But look at Huo Ran’s expression again, serious and serious, and there is no trace of joking.

After a short silence, there was a whisper of discussion.

Perhaps what Huo Ran said was really sudden, and he had never communicated with anyone including Kong Jing and Huo He before, so at this moment, everyone’s eyes on Huo Ran are surprisingly consistent.

Kong Jing still couldn’t help it, and first asked: “Huo Ran, why don’t you tell me in advance that you want to hold the premiere? I’ll invite some media.”

Following Kong Jing’s question, the court became quiet again, all seemed to be waiting for Huo Ran’s answer.

After all, everyone seemed to be kept in the dark by Huo Ran.

Huo Ran, but at the next moment, answered everyone’s doubts with actions.

He turned on the projector on the restaurant stage, connected the computer, and inserted a mobile hard drive.

Then in full view, I clicked on the computer’s browser, typed a web address cracklingly, and hit Enter.

The others are okay, they haven’t reacted for a while.

But the women’s group members on the scene were all surprised.

Station D? It turned out to be Station D!

After all, in the S48 period, all the members of the women’s team have D station accounts because of their partners.

Even several members of the women’s team have mixed into the famous UP master of station D.

How can they be unfamiliar with this website?

Many women’s group members also reflected Huo Ran’s intentions in the next moment. Yes, station D was originally a more inclusive and wider-scale website. In cooperation with them, the online movies they shot are here, which is extremely right. Appetizing.

But the next moment, Huo Ran’s operation directly made the faces of the women’s group members who thought they had seen everything, and an incredible look appeared.

Because at the next moment, the D station account that Huo Ran logged in was not an enterprise account. Although it was named “Jingxiang Films”, it was a private account.

As the heroine, Zhang Tingting couldn’t help but ask: “Brother Fan, what’s the situation, why isn’t it a corporate account? Didn’t we negotiate the cooperation with Station D?”

Huo Ran seemed to have guessed that at this moment, someone would ask such a question, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: “It’s not that I didn’t talk about it, but I didn’t talk to them at all.

…Please ask for flowers………

Huo Ran’s words can be said to be a surprise to Melaleuca, the restaurant on the fifth floor, as if uncontrolled, boiled again.

Many women’s group members asked Huo Ran on stage, “Why?”

Huo Ran smiled and did not answer.


It was Kong Jing who figured out some meaning, and asked: “Since it is said that it is free to go, it is more appropriate to use a personal account than a corporate account, and it is more appropriate to not cooperate than cooperate. Because what we want to go is to bypass the audit. ”

“If you talk about cooperation and use your corporate account to do these things, it will be difficult to avoid all kinds of troubles, is it true?”

“Bingguo! Or sister, you are smart.” Huo Ran praised, confirming Kong Jing’s guess.

The members of the women’s team suddenly realized when they heard this.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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