Chapter 366 Thank you from the heart (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Everyone laughed again.

However, everyone laughed and laughed and made trouble, but everyone still took out their mobile phones and watched the online movie they participated in.

Although it can be said that everyone present participated in the filming of this online movie, there are also many protagonists who even know all the story content.

But looking at the film that has been released, it is still very serious.

As the plot progresses, they will hear laughter, discussions, regrets and sighs from their mouths.

After all, knowing the plot and watching the film are completely two concepts.

Among them, perhaps only Huo Ran, in his heart, has a little bit more ambition.

There are basically no defective items in the exchanged items in the system.

It’s like this “Princess’s Promotion” from the plane of the earth. Although the actors are all newcomers, they have to face a lot of difficulties because of the lack of funds. However, this web drama has taken a different path on the earth plane and has become a dark horse in the web drama.

If Huo Ran’s conditions allowed at the time, he would basically choose to completely restore this divine work that came to earth.

However, at this time, the movie version of “The Promotion of the Princess” produced and published by Huo Ran is quite different from the version on earth. The conditions are limited and it must be “changed from the drama”. The plot is naturally To reduce by two-thirds.

The so-called reduction here is not that I think it is useless and just cut it off with a scissors.

That way it is easy to delete the original classics because of your own subjective judgment.

Therefore, Huo Ran did not choose to completely refer to the original filming, but exchanged the adapted source novel of this web drama for reading, and exchanged the “bad reviews” of this drama on the earth plane for reading and analysis, and then wrote A movie version of the script was released.

Therefore, this online movie seems to be a small-cost movie, but the price Huo Ran spent to make this movie, especially the redemption points consumed, can be said to be worthy of a commercial blockbuster.

It can even be said that if someone on the plane of the earth watches the Huo Ran movie version of “Prince Concubine’s Promotion”, they will definitely find that, except for the same spicy eye, the plot and shooting techniques are basically the same as the original version. How many similarities.

That’s why Huo Ran is very worried, I don’t know how this self-adapted work is.

More than two hours later, everyone present had watched the movie one after another.

Compared with the active atmosphere before watching the movie, everyone seemed very silent at this time.

Seeing everyone’s surprisingly consistent and somewhat unpleasant reactions, really, is your adaptation so bad?

Isn’t it?

Do you still overestimate your grasp of this market?

Thinking like this in my heart, Huo Ran, who is the main person in charge of the two production crews, could not express this emotion. Thank you for your support during this time.

Huo Ran said these 560 concluding remarks. He stood up and bowed to the people around him in turn.

However, just when Huo Ran was about to sit down, in an unexpected scene, everyone in the crew stood up.

It seemed that there had been a discussion, and it seemed that they had coincided with each other, applauding to Huo Ran.

A few of them also shouted in their mouths while applauding, “Brother Fan, you are awesome!”

“Brother Fan, you are so handsome.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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