Chapter 368 Inherent advantage (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Can one person, in just over a month Kung Fu, produce so many non-replicated BGM?

Impossible, but since the crew is so LOW in the service of online movies, it’s okay for BGM to be ordinary no matter how ordinary it is.

But until this time, these questioning people realized that they were wrong, and the wrong was so outrageous.

Whether it is the opening song, ending song, interlude or BGM, they are all very sophisticated. It can even be said that because of the addition of these music, the quality of this “Prince Princess’s Promotion” has increased by more than one level.

How can Huo Ran not let 563 admire such a Huo Ran?

“You’re all polite. The hard work belongs to everyone. I am sorry for not being able to create a crew with sufficient material for everyone.

At this moment, in the face of thanks almost from the entire crew, Huo Ran’s smile couldn’t help but feel a little stiff. After all, he has not experienced something like this: “Of course, the shortcomings in the early stage will be made up in the later stage.”

“I promise that, for any of the three parts of “The Promotion of the Princess”, if any one of them will be broadcasted more than 3 million in two months, I will give everyone a reward for responding, er, or compensation.

“If two parts are achieved, the reward will be doubled. If all three parts are achieved, (bcbh) will be doubled on the basis of doubling.”

Huo Ran said this promise naturally because of his consideration. Through Huo He, he knows that even if there is a relationship, it will take at least one and a half months to complete all the procedures for the review of online movies.

In other words, no matter how much Zhai Benben catches up, his online movie will have to be released in at least two months.

And these two months are the advantages of the “inspection-free product” of “Prince Concubine’s Promotion”.

If you can win the gambling within two months, Huo Ran has decided to distribute the three million bonuses directly to everyone on the network film crew.

Money is something outside of the body. At the same time, money is a weapon to conquer people’s hearts. Huo Ran doesn’t feel any distress at all for “the money is gone and come back.”

“Yeah!” As soon as I heard that there was a reward, everyone shouted in unison, “Long live Brother Fan!”

Perhaps it was just two hours ago that Huo Ran said such words, and most of them would still show disdain.

The broadcast volume of 3 million in two months is nothing short of a fantasy.

But at this time, Huo Ran’s promise was more confident than anyone else. After all, just now, they witnessed with their own eyes how excellent this online movie is!

“Sisters, what are you waiting for, let our fans go and watch!” Zhang Tingting said with a raised arm.

The women’s group members have reacted. Although they are in the “Yanuchi” all the year round, most of them can only be regarded as third-line artists, even the “first sister” Zhang Tingting, at best, can be regarded as the second-tier mid-level.

But they also have their advantages. Their fan loyalty is definitely much higher than that of ordinary artists.

Little idols have launched new movies, which are free, so there is no reason for fans not to watch them.

Hearing Zhang Tingting yell out these words, Huo Ran thought of such an “innate advantage”, and he was a little upset about his hindsight.

With these fans alone, it’s not difficult to reach three million broadcasts.

Why didn’t I increase the amount of betting?

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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