Chapter 373 Reward notice (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“Did you read the notice sent to you by the Ministry of Personnel?” The chairman’s words made Huang Shan’s heart suddenly cool.

It seemed that there was only a small amount of fortune left, but was also deprived of the chairman’s words.

Now, there is really no room for maneuver.

“Hey, Lao Huang, are you listening?” The chairman asked again when he saw that there was no answer.

“I’m listening, Chairman, I’m sorry, I have failed the trust of the entire company and your support.” Huang Shan felt that his emotions were about to lose weight, and he seemed to cry after a few more words.

“Lao Huang, what do you mean by this?” the chairman asked.

“Chairman, thank you for so many years of cultivation. Perhaps, my departure is the greatest benefit to the leader, right?” Huang Shan Zhong 567 said this before crying.

This may be his only success in his life?

Huang Shan thought so, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a bitter smile with a strong sense of self-deprecation.

Hearing what Huang Shan said, the chairman on the other end of the phone was obviously anxious: “Isn’t it, Lao Huang, you are leaving? I will take you not thin, right? Or are you not satisfied with the appointment I sent to you?”

“After so many years of colleagues, you can say if you are dissatisfied. In this way, I will double the conditions that the company that digs up offers. Old Huang, you can talk.

Old Huang’s mouth was closed, but he couldn’t make a sound.

He turned on his office computer half a minute ago and wanted to see how the Personnel Department wrote his dismissal notice.

But he did not see the dismissal notice in the mailbox.

Instead, it was a “Reward Notice Regarding the Appointment of Comrade Huangshan as the Deputy General Manager of the Leading Company and the Gift of 2% of the Equity”.

Because of the popular broadcast of “The Big Tzu Concubine’s Promotion Plan”.

Four products of Longshan Company and Longshan Company have successfully occupied the hot searches of major search engines.

Let alone Longshan’s sales at this time.

Longshan’s major online shopping sites and online shops have seen an unprecedented ordering boom, and as of this time, the ordering heat curve is still in a straight upward trend.

Before receiving the call from the chairman of the board of directors, Huang Shan had a similar mood, Zhai Jiji (bcbh), who had signed a gambling contract with Huo Ran.

He didn’t notify Huo Ran personally, so he learned that “The Big Tzu Concubine’s Promotion Plan” had been released more at night than Huangshan.

Still this morning, while preparing for the finale banquet, I heard a few young waiters from Tengyun Restaurant during the time I was going to the bathroom to relieve my hands.

“Have you heard? The “Promotion Plan for Concubine Eldest Concubine” that held the finale banquet here yesterday went viral.”

“Hey, how could I have not heard of it? My family asked me if I knew about the crew.

“Me, too, as if we were from Tengyun Film and Television City, we didn’t know that this movie was guilty, and we died speechlessly.”

“But it’s amazing to say that the opening banquet was only held yesterday, and today it is all over the Internet. It’s really like a dream.

“Speaking of so much, have you watched this movie?”

“I have been working overtime, so there is no time to watch it.”

“Or, let’s watch it together during a break. It’s better to watch it intermittently than not knowing anything and being despised by others.”

“Hey, take me, let’s be together.”

The discussion gradually faded away, Zhai Benben gently shakes his lips, took out his mobile phone, and opened the D station app.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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