Chapter 376 Cheng Zong’s vision (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Zhai Benben didn’t say anything except that question.

He really couldn’t say anything now, because he was weakly slumped in his boss chair.

So fast, Huo Ran’s broadcast volume has exceeded three million?

How is this possible.

Although it was just a few minutes ago that he knew that the total broadcast volume of “The Promoted Concubine” has exceeded 8 million, but the total broadcast volume is the total broadcast volume, and the finished broadcast volume is the finished broadcast volume.

Even if you rely on some improper means to lead people to open your movie, once the movie is not made to the satisfaction of the audience, it is rare for the audience to insist on watching the whole movie for more than two hours.

And this dissatisfaction is particularly complicated.

It is possible that 12 can be the looks of the actor, and it may be the acting skills of the actor. It may be the plot, it may be the rhythm, it may be the lines, and it may even be the cameraman’s shooting habits.

The taste of the audience is becoming more and more critical, and they will abandon the movie for the reasons including but not limited to the above-listed reasons.

Compared with movie theaters, it is more convenient and more secret to discard movies in the middle of online movies.

Therefore, in general, the completion rate of online movies is ten to one. If it is good, it is about ten to one and five. That is to say, in 10 million broadcasts, there can be 1.5 million finished broadcasts. The movie is pretty good.

Moreover, as far as Zhai Benben knows, even if the original total broadcast volume of more than 8 million, at least half of them are from fans of the women’s group, the results should not rise so fast afterwards.

So he never thought that Huo Ran would have won the bet after so long had passed.

How could this ratio exist!

The next moment, Zhai Benben seemed to think of something at once, and sat up from the chair in surprise.

I was too impulsive just now. I wanted to send the products of “Swordsman’s Sword” to station D that have not yet passed the later stages. , And even the allegations of breach of contract by the artist agency.

Don’t be kidding, the money for the movie is still raised through family relations. The bet of 3 million is still stolen from the advertiser’s account. How can I have other compensation capabilities?

Thinking of this, Zhai Benben took out his cell phone in a panic and dialed Chen Jian’s number.

After the long ring back tone, there is a mechanical and blunt prompt tone: “Sorry, the user you called did not answer temporarily. Please call again later. Sorry”

He should be busy with the banquet, right?

Listening to his tone just now, he is more sensible than himself, shouldn’t he take his momentary madness seriously?

Zhai Benben had to think so hypnotically, but the more he thought, the more he became flustered, and the frequency of his eyelids increased.

No, you can’t sit there. This is called sitting and waiting. Chen Jian must be found as soon as possible.

Zhai Benben thought so, suddenly his whole body regained strength and quickly got up and walked towards the door.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he bumped into someone full of arms.

I broke the 567-mouth, and I was about to scold when I looked up, but I saw that the person I ran into was the deputy director Chen Jian.

Zhai Benben breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that I was looking for him, so he sent it to the door by himself, and God was still toward him.

At the next moment, Chen Jian said with joy: “Brother Zhai, I found that station D is indeed quite good. Only four or five minutes after the review was approved, there were hundreds of views and reposted comments. At this speed, I think It’s comparable to Yiteng’s little recommendation.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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