Chapter 384 Summer vacation balance is insufficient (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

And because of this, after the unimaginable results of “The Big Tzu Concubine Promotion Plan”, it is easier to blindly believe that this is a miracle, and hope that such a miracle will be even greater.

If you think about it calmly, the first two parts of “The Promise of the Da Zifei” have already laid a very large audience base. As the third part of the finale, the audience base will definitely be higher than the first two parts.

Originally, Huo Ran’s third “icing on the cake” propaganda method was also perfect enough. At this moment, the best propaganda inside station D is completely superfluous.

“Well, are you really leaving tomorrow?” Kong Jing, who was suddenly cheerful, bit her lower lip~ and asked Huo Ran.

Huo Ran obviously didn’t expect Kong Jing’s topic to jump so fast. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: “Didn’t I tell you, my summer vacation balance is not enough. My classmates have some problems, so I agreed. Take the same flight back.”

Because there are not many people who have enough acting skills to star in the women’s group, and the two crews have a lot of men’s plays, Huo Ran simply did not let Kong Jing recruit other actors.

Instead, I invited my classmates from Beixi Opera to participate in the audition. After all, everyone learns to perform, and the script is provided by Huo Ran, so the students are very motivated.

In the end, as long as there are no other classmates who are in conflict during the summer, they will come here directly.

Even the class instructor Dai Zheng and Huo Ran used the reason that “Dean Bai is relieved if you lead the team.” Fudge came to act.

After all, they are classmates. Huo Ran also wants to give them more pay, but there are basically no people in the family who are too poor to be admitted to the Beixi opera.

So seeing Huo Ran’s “poor and destitute” appearance, they all negotiated, and they resolutely refused to ask for more pay.

Even Huo Ran’s promised to broadcast the three million rewards for all members, they all returned to Huo Ran most of them, leaving only a small part of the prize.

“Don’t think too much.”

I remember very clearly. At that time, Zheng Jinjie put his arm on his shoulder and said with a smile: “Except for the top actors in the actor industry, there are basically not many opportunities for him to choose a script.”

“Moreover, being able to gather most of the classmates together to make a movie is also very unforgettable. After all, many people may not stay in this industry for long after graduation, so everyone thinks it is quite meaningful.”

…For flowers…………

Zheng Jinjie said that it was indeed not easy to insist on the system. As soon as the school started, he did not hesitate, almost “packed” off a whole plane, and everyone flew back to Kyoto together. It was still lively.

Today is August 27th, and Huo Ran’s scheduled flight is at noon on August 28th, so naturally it will leave tomorrow.

Hearing Huo Ran’s words, Kong Jing’s eyes waved and she muttered something in a low voice.

“Ah? What?” Huo Ran didn’t hear clearly, and looked at Kong Jing suspiciously.

When asked by Huo Ran, Kong Jing couldn’t help but flushed her cheeks. She glanced at Huo Ran and said angrily: “Nothing!”, she got up and left the office.

On August 27th, the T1 terminal of Jindu International Airport.

Huo Ran and a group of more than a dozen people are sitting in the VIP terminal, with smiles on their faces, chatting in full swing.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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