Chapter 701 The script will be written in ten minutes.

For the script of the TV series, this time I must find a script written by a god. Li Longye wants to make a TV series? Then I should make one on the same schedule as him.

Thousand degrees search for your navigation’

“The script of Fairy Sword 1 and 3!”

This time, Huo Ran did not let Qiandu program himself, but directly searched for the name of the person. These two TV series are God’s work in Huo Ran’s mind. Once they are broadcast, they will definitely become popular.

‘Programming was successful, 2 items were found”


Immediately afterwards, the scene that happened surprised Huo Ran. Although he was surprised at the moment he got the thousand degrees, he was shocked when it was copied.

This is the same as machine printing. It takes more than 100 sheets of A4 paper in less than ten minutes. It is finished, and it is automatically typeset. The important parts are all bolded, which is too awesome.

“Ha ha!”

Hearing the abnormal noise in Huo Ran’s room, He Luoluo hurried in.

Looking at the A4 paper in Huo Ran’s hand, the more than 100 chapters of white paper I personally sent in just now have all the characters, or are they printed?

There is no printing press in my home.

After swallowing, he accepted the script in Huo Ran’s hands. Stunned and turned over one by one, He Luoluo usually chased countless dramas, and had never seen such a script.

The background, settings, characterization, main line, story line, emotional line, and plot direction are all complete!

“When did you get it printed.”

“Just now.” Huo Ran said casually, and smiled: “I am in the entertainment industry by talent, and I am completely different from the group of people who rely on the face!”

Just now? I believe in you, knowing Huo Ran’s stinky fart, He Luoluo did not continue to ask.

“Tonight, it’s still at the Lijing Hotel. Director Wang An is there. You have to be prepared. Li Longye and Wang Chenkun are also there.” He Luoluo said.

Preparation? What else do you need to prepare?

After changing his clothes, Huo Ran also put on a knitted hat and a bandage on his head. Can’t I go to see the big director like this? That’s what an image.

I carefully selected a suit and put it on with the help of He Luoluo. Now Huo Ran’s movements can’t be too big, otherwise it will make his injury more serious.

“I’m telling you, don’t talk nonsense for a while. Director Wang An is a very serious person. If you talk nonsense, he will dislike you, and you have to think about it!-Dan Wang An really agreed You, you have to prepare money, our company has no money now.” He Luoluo reiterated again.


For Huo Ran, money is not the most difficult to get. If it doesn’t work, go and beg Liu Piaopiao, she has money.

The Regent Hotel, this is the third time Huo Ran has come here. Every time, he left with a sigh of relief. This has become his own blessed land. When I am really rich in the future, I have to be here for half of gold. VIP, not for anything else, just because here can bring yourself good luck.

The private room reserved by Wang An is inside 790 on the first floor. It is a private room that symbolizes identity, not a diamond VIP. This private room will not be given to you for how much money it has.

In the private room at this time, in addition to Li Longye and Wang Chenkun, there is an old man with white hair and a big beard. To say more, this person is director Wang An.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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