Chapter 800 The mouse saw the cat

When Feng Liang heard that their filming was over, he looked at Wang Yongjiang and almost didn’t laugh. As for Wang Chenkun’s acting skills, the filming was finished in less than a month.

Moreover, they are filming in Hengdian every day, and they can’t see the people who look up, and they have never seen them work overtime. How can they finish the filming so quickly?

Feng Liang and Wang Yongjiang are both people in the circle. What is the reason for the filming so fast, so what is the point? How much discount is needed for the quality? Needless to say, it must be a bad film. Department.

“What are you laughing at? Are you feeling helpless?”

“It’s you who is helpless? You are running around like a dog all day long. What am I saying you do? Didn’t you feed you?” Huo Ran’s voice came from behind Wang Chenkun, and Wang Chenkun jumped. , I thought he had auditory hallucinations.

Looking back, it turned out that it was not an auditory hallucination, it was really an instant conversation with Luo Luo.

This is abnormal. Didn’t my sister be in the hospital to hold Huo Ran to give herself time? Why didn’t she hold her back.

Wang Chenkun pointed at Huo Ran, took two steps back subconsciously, and said softly: “Aren’t you in the hospital? Why are you here?”

When Huo Ran heard this, he was more certain of his thoughts. Wang Chenkun knew that he was in the hospital. Wang Chenxi must have told him.

Before, no matter how Wang Chenkun embarrassed himself, or made him an enemy, Huo Ran didn’t care, but this time, Wang Chenkun was too much, not just too much, he has already gone on the path of sin, such behavior It cannot be forgiven.

Seeing Huo Ran running towards him, Wang Chenkun stepped back a few steps. The scene of Huo Ran last time is still vivid, and Wang Chenkun doesn’t want to be beaten.

“What are you hiding? Did you do something wrong, guilty? A guilty conscience is useless.” Huo Ran raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Hearing Huo Ran’s hoarse voice, Wang Chenkun’s legs trembled. Huo Ran knew it, he actually knew it! What should I do now? The sweat on his forehead was streaming out.

“Yeah, I’m sweating. Why are you so courageous? I sighed as soon as I did. Apart from squatting for a few days, there is nothing left.” Huo Ran continued.

This is also for Wang Chenkun. If it is for Wang Chenxi, these words will not work. Lolola pulled Huo Ran and signaled him to speak less. It was not for not letting him speak, but his voice. He couldn’t speak so much. The more talked about, it is not easy for him to recover.

Wang Chenkun ran away in a hurry and couldn’t stay any longer. If he stayed, he might tell Huo Ran everything.

When I walked in front of Feng Liang and Wang Yongjiang, Wang Shiya was also there. She still had a separate scene to be filmed. After all, Wang Shiya was not a professional actor, and there was almost no time to repeat it.

“Huo Ran, what’s wrong with your voice?” Wang Yongjiang listened to Huo Ran’s voice, really hoarse.

“It’s okay!

“Director Feng and Teacher Wang, don’t worry. The rumors on the Internet are fake. I was busy with the theme song recently, so I didn’t come to the crew. Our funds are very sufficient. We ask not to be lowered and the treatment is not good. It will change.” After Huo Ran finished speaking, he rubbed his throat. His voice had reached its limit and he could no longer speak.

After listening to Huo Ran’s 1.7, Wang Yongjiang always felt that something was wrong. If it was not the same as what Nai Ran said, why did his noise become the way it is now?

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