Chapter 812 You can’t touch me (please ask for monthly ticket)

It seems that I need to blow up a balloon to practice my breath well.

Bang, bang, bang!

Early in the morning, Luo Luo was shocked by the sound of successive explosions.Just now it was who she thought it was to set off the firecrackers.Unexpectedly, it was the sound from her own home that scared Luo Luo and hurried out. .

When I came to the living room and took a look, good guy, it turned out that Huo Ran was blowing a balloon. When I looked down, there were no more than dozens of balloon fragments on the floor. Huo Ran didn’t mean to stop at all. It’s the kind of balloons.

Even Luo Luo regrets it, what is this for? How can there be such a balloon blowing.

Huo Ran’s cheeks are swollen. Does Huo Ran like to abuse himself? Thinking of this, Lolo subconsciously pulls on his clothes. No wonder this kid didn’t do anything last night.

“What are you doing?” Luo Luo said with wide eyes, looking at Huo Ran.

Huo Ran has been blowing the balloon attentively, and didn’t even notice that Lolo came out.

Huo Ran’s small physique, he almost didn’t let this breath die. After a few hiccups, he came back, looked at Lolo, scratched his head: “Did it disturb you to rest. “?”

“Nonsense!” Luo Luo slapped his eyes. This morning, not to mention disturbing him to rest, the neighbors upstairs and downstairs were almost disturbed.

“I’m practicing, because the theme song of the fairy sword given to me by my master, I still can’t sing it. I need to practice it and try to sing it in two days.” Huo Ran explained.

When Luo Luo listened to a song that even Huo Ran could not sing? What kind of song it must be.

Lolo is still very confident in Huo Ran’s music. Whether Huo Ran is singing or writing songs, he is the leader of the younger generation, and he has known Huo Ran for so long. This is the first time for Huo Ran. Said that he could not do it.

This aroused Lolo’s interest. He sat on the sofa, raised his leg, and said with a smile: “Then you can sing it to me, I will listen to you where it is not good.”

Zhiran nodded. Although he is not more professional than Lolo, in fact, only the audience is the most professional crowd.

In Lolo’s home, there is no instrument. Huo Ran can always sing a cappella. Without any preparation, he started to sing. Although the prelude is good, it is not that difficult. Of course, Lolo doesn’t sound like a touch. This song After all, it was not written by Huo Ran, and it is understandable that he cannot sing his true meaning.

Lolo was waiting, waiting for Huo Ran to sing the chorus. Since the intro is not difficult, it is difficult for the chorus.

*. “Obviously you also love me very much. There is no reason why you can’t love the result. As long as you dare not to be weak, why should we miss it? There are many nights and long dreams, so don’t you think of me.”

Listening to Huo Ran’s chorus, Lolo didn’t even react at all. This was the first time for Lolo. He didn’t react at all when he heard Huo Ran’s songs.

This song is really nice, but there is no way to impress Lolo.

Zhiran was a little surprised. Although he only did simple (Qian Nuo Zhao) practice, the place that could not be sung a few days ago has been sung today, but Huo Ran just feels something is wrong. What is the reason for this error? ? Huo Ran wants to know.

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