Chapter 815 I will accompany you during the New Year (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

After a rough calculation, Luoluo consumed more than 10,000 yuan this morning, and he still has no money! If it weren’t for Huo Ran to start a company, Luoluo would have spent 100,000 yuan.

It was already noon, and the two of them found a Mala Tou, and one of them asked for one night, visiting the mall and eating Mala Tang, which was the most enjoyable, watching Luo Luo holding a spoonful of chili peppers.

Huo Ran can only drip a few drops of chili oil. There is no other way. After all, Huo Ran wants to protect his throat, so he can eat too spicy food without “ninety zero”.

“Sister Luo, there should be a traffic jam after we go out for a while, there are too many people.” Huo Ran took a bite, secretly it tasted good.

“For a while? It would be nice to be able to finish shopping before eight in the evening.” Luo Luo said.


Just this sentence, I regretted Huo Ran. Isn’t this a bullshit? I bought clothes for the whole morning and haven’t finished it? How many sets can she wear in a year?

“Sister Luo, you have enough clothes, you still

“It’s not buying clothes.” Before Huo Ran finished speaking, Lolo interrupted him: “Such a day’s holiday, but it is very rare. The Spring Festival is coming soon. Buy some new year goods and go back, otherwise I will celebrate the New Year by myself. I don’t want to buy it anymore.”

“Do you celebrate the New Year by yourself?” Huo Ran looked at Luo Luo, wondering.

“Yes, it has been four years, my parents have been away for four years, and I am alone every year, and they are used to it.” Luo Luo said, there was no sadness in her expression, she was used to it.

Such a strong woman can hide everything in her heart without being exposed.

Luo Luo was twenty-four years old this year, and had been alone for four years. Huo Ran was silent for a while and looked at Luo Luo.

Luo Luo took a sip of water, just to see Huo Ran looking at her gaze, and smiled: “What are you looking at? Are there flowers on my face?”

“Sister Luo, this year, I will accompany you to celebrate the New Year.” Huo Ran said firmly in his eyes.

This sentence touched Lolo. It has been four years. This is the first time someone said to accompany her to celebrate the New Year. She had thought that she was used to the life of a person until Huo Ran’s sudden change.

It’s ridiculous to say that Lolo lives with Huo Ran now, but three months ago, she didn’t dare to imagine that she and Zhiran could come to this scene. She originally thought that she and Huo Ran would even be friends for the rest of their lives. Can’t be.

But it is such a person who is willing to spend the New Year with him.

“Isn’t this Huo Ran? Come and see, Huo Ran!”

A girl stood by Huo Ran’s table and shouted loudly. Originally, Huo Ran was wearing a mask. No one could recognize it, but he took off the mask. It’s all right now, and everyone recognizes him. .

“Huo Ran, can you sign a name for me?”

“Huo Ran, can you take a photo for me?”

Soon, the people here are getting more and more together. Huo Ran is not impatient. Those who can find themselves to take a photo with their autographs are all people who like themselves. You can’t pretend to be a big name. You should leave these people out of the cold? Now, is Huo Ran still a human?

Pointing to fans to make money, and then not treating fans as human beings, Huo Ran can’t do this.

Although it caused a sensation in the Mala Tang shop, but fortunately, this group of fans are sane.

Jiangcheng is like this. As the world’s largest entertainment city, Jiangcheng has the most stars. On the way to work every day at 1.7, if you don’t meet two stars, it’s the same as if you didn’t go out.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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