Chapter 823 Drink some (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Li Chaoyue listened to the lyrics, the thickness of this song is unusual!

In fact, Huo Ran and Li Chaoyue are basically the same. It’s just that Li Chaoyue’s bad luck. He didn’t meet a Bole like Liu Hong and was willing to dedicate to her. Otherwise, Li Chaoyue’s development will not be worse than Huo Ran.

“Obviously you love me too” Huo Ran sang the chorus.

Luo Luo was still silent for a while, because Huo Ran’s singing this time, although there were no mistakes, still couldn’t resonate with others, including Li Chaoyue.

“Are you Huo Ran’s agent?” Li Chaoyue met Luo Luo and knew he was Huo Ran’s agent.

Luo Luo actually has a cooperative relationship with Dianran now, Luo Fan Media, Luo Luo accounted for 10% of the shares, but she has never explained it, but it does not matter, the broker is the broker.

Listening to Li Chaoyue’s words, Luo Luo nodded.

“This song, he passed 903 points, but he couldn’t give him full marks, because he couldn’t sing the true feeling of this song, but it was enough.” Li Chaoyue said.

Luo Luo also knows that Huo Ran’s song is completely different from Li Chaoyue’s piano performance. Li Chaoyue’s piano music resonates in the audience, but Huo Ran’s song is only good.

After the singing, Huo Ran also knew that he did not sing the feeling of resonance. He shook his head helplessly, stepped off the piano, and looked at Li Chaoyue. He knew that he could not touch Li Chaoyue, nor could he sing the true meaning of this song. .

“Beyond, I still can’t find the true meaning of this song.” Huo Ran looked at Li Chaoyue and said embarrassedly.

“Find a place to drink?” Li Chaoyue looked at Huo Ran and smiled.

“Right on my mind!”

It was the same barbecue restaurant last time. It was still in that location. Huo Ran, Luo Luo and Li Chaoyue sat together and ordered some skewers and beer.

It’s just that no one talks, and no one eats.

Everyone knows that each of them has something on their minds, and no one is willing to speak first.

For a long time, it was still what Huo Ran said first: “Beyond, I should be a good mix now, but this song, I still can’t sing this feeling.”

“The experience is not enough.” Li Chaoyue said lightly.

This sentence is simply in one sentence! Li Chaoyue is right. He doesn’t have this experience now. He has never experienced a heart-piercing experience because of emotions. (bcbh) He doesn’t understand Liu Hong. What is the reason for writing this song.

Without this experience, you can’t sing this feeling, which is understandable.

Feelings can’t be filled with simple techniques at all, otherwise the world is not all golden songs? Some songs just can’t be compensated by feelings.

Huo Ran was a little bit lost. With this sense of loss, he was a little helpless, or even unable to do anything. He had no choice but to accept it.

“Well, you are talented. It can even be said that you are a genius, but in a genius, you will also encounter bottlenecks. This song is your bottleneck. I think if you have time, you can completely and yours. The master sat together and had a good chat about how the song was written.” Li Chaoyue looked at Huo Ran’s expression and continued.

There is nothing to ridicule about, because it is normal, not just Huo Ran, anyone will get into a bottleneck on the path of creation.

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