Chapter 825 The first disagreement (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Luo Luo secretly said in a big tone! Now he knows it, even if Li Chaoyue is the third runner-up of tomorrow’s superstar, there is no reason why no one is chasing it. It may not be that no one is chasing, but the people who are chasing are scared away. This condition , Is unacceptable.

There is no brokerage company that will allow a person without a resume to develop alone. Do you mean that the third runner-up of the Japanese superstar counts as a resume? That does not count, because the third runner-up does not have any prizes.

Stronger than Huo Ran, if “Nine Zero Seven” hadn’t been supported by Liu Hong and strongly recommended, he would not have been popular until now.


Almost without any hesitation, Luo Luo directly rejected Li Chaoyue. Huo Ran regretted it. What did Luo Luo think about? Li Chaoyue, such a talented person, didn’t sign a contract, so what would he still think about.

In Huo Ran’s opinion, Li Chaoyue has become like this. Can he help himself, or should he help him?

Lolo waved his hand and motioned Huo Ran not to speak. Huo Ran was also very obedient.

Li Chaoyue blushed. This is his only condition. If Luoluo can agree to him, he will sign without hesitation, but the problem is that Luoluo did not agree to Li Chaoyue at all, or, Luoluo Never thought of agreeing to Huo Ran.

“Why? I can ask for very little remuneration.” Li Chaoyue was a little unwilling.

“Because your ambition is really too big, you have to recognize your current form.” Lolo said directly.

In Luo Luo’s words, this is Li Chaoyue’s current situation. He still can’t figure out his position. What is his situation now? The crime is almost too much to eat, but he is still playing the score. This score is For whom?

In fact, Luo Luo doesn’t have much desire for Li Chaoyue. In her heart, Li Chaoyue can come or not, because there is no brokerage company that promotes songs, all of which are three-perish development, and Li Chaoyue can only use music. Road.

With such limitations, Li Chaoyue did not have enough knowledge of himself.

Strictly speaking, the privilege that Li Chaoyue wants is the overlord’s width. Under normal circumstances, this clause is only used when the company wants to dig other companies’ artists.

Luo Luo did not give Yan Jinxin the overlord clause, and now he will not give Li Chaoyue.

“In that case, let’s not talk about it.” Li Chaochao waved his hand.

This is not what Li Chaoyue said at all, but there is no way, he must do this, he still has to fight for the interests he should fight for, otherwise, even if he is in the company, he will be led by Huo Ran by the nose.

“Okay.” Luo Luo nodded, and she didn’t say anything for the rest.

Now Li Chaoyue is in a hurry. This Luo Luo doesn’t play the card according to the normal routine. Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t you bargain with yourself at this time? At the very least, you have to persuade yourself and give yourself one. Step, didn’t you just sign it yourself? But Luo Luo didn’t mean it at all.

In fact, Luo Luo is not stupid, he can see what Li Chaoyue is thinking. To put it bluntly, Li Chaoyue has only been in the society for two months. There is no way to compare this experience with Luo Luo.

Huo Ran 1.7 gave Luo Luo a look and motioned for her to give Li over a step, but Luo Luo just didn’t look at it, and didn’t want to care about Huo Ran at all.

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