Chapter 828 Awards (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Upon hearing the theme song, Huo Ran was paralyzed instantly.

How do you sing with your heart? You don’t need to listen to other people’s opinions. Huo Ran knows that he can’t sing this feeling.


Look for Liu Hong. Li Chaoyue reminded himself when he had a drink today that if you want to sing the taste of this song, you can only ask Liu Hong to ask how the song was written.

No words for a night!

Early in the morning, Huo Ran drove to Liu Hong’s house. Time was too late.

When I arrived at Liu Hong’s house, Liu Hong was doing morning exercises. What made Huo Ran wonder is that Liu Piaopiao and Wang Chenxi are also there. What are they going to do together? Why are they still together 907?

Huo Ran didn’t know what plans they had, and didn’t dare to ask.

“Master, I’m looking for something to do with you.” It was almost nonsense, and Huo Ran directly explained his intentions.

Now Liu Hong is used to it. If Huo Ran really talks with herself, she will be able to cause something to happen. Anyway, this apprentice, that is to go to the Three Treasures Palace, come to her own house to find herself, then There must be something.

Wang Chenxi is here, so I can’t say anything here. Liu Hong waved her hand and took Huo Ran to the rooftop. The rooftop is the most precious place in Liu Hong’s home.

Don’t look at Huo Ran who lived here for a month, but this (bcbh) rooftop has never been up before.

The rooftop of Liu Hong’s house is unique, but when you see the surrounding scenery, behind the rooftop is Liu Hong’s medal wall. All the awards that Liu Hong won when he was young are all hung here.

Huo Ran couldn’t help but sighed when he looked at Liu Hong’s award. This is the gap. A singer can achieve Liu Hong’s current achievements. He is the second person in history. Looking at Liu Hong’s various trophies, domestic Both and foreign ones.

If you really want to compare, Liu Hong should be Jordan of the Chinese music scene.

Liu Hong looked at Huo Ran’s surprised expression and nodded in satisfaction. Don’t worry about what Huo Ran is doing now. When he saw the music awards, his eyes showed longing, which was enough.

This means that Huo Ran has not forgotten that he is a musician.

“Okay, kid, don’t look at it, now we can talk about it, what can I do?” Liu Hong asked, sitting in a wicker chair.

Kairan looked around and found that there was only one rattan chair, sitting beside Liu Hong, and said: “It’s still about that song. I practiced for a long time, but I still couldn’t find a way to control that song. Master, how did you write the song?”

When Liu Hong heard what Huo Ran said, he smiled and shook his head: “Actually, this song is not customized for your conscience, but I wrote it twenty years ago.”

“Twenty years ago?” Huo Ran was secretly speechless when he heard Liu Hong’s words.

Twenty years ago, when the music had not progressed to the present level, Liu Hong could already write modern music.

This is the pioneer of music. No wonder Liu Hong can have such a status in the Chinese music scene. She is really talented, and she only relies on gold fingers.

But Huo Ran can be sure that this song was definitely not written by Liu Hong casually. She must have experienced something when she wrote the song, and it was a big blow to her.

Liu Hong glanced at Huo Ran and knew what Huo Ran was thinking, waved his hand, and smiled: “Do you want to know, how did I write this song?”

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