Chapter 838 Go out (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Dare to love that Wang Shiya is just bold in appearance, but gentle in heart.

After driving for ten minutes, he didn’t get out of his yard.


Stopped the car, Wang Shiya at this time, her face flushed to the base of her neck, looked at Huo Ran, and whispered, “Huo Ran, or you, drive my car.”

Huo Ran was taken aback for a moment. He still remembered Mr. Yang when he first saw Wang Shiya, but Wang Shiya also said this sentence and said it was a joke on the Internet.

I really didn’t expect Wang Shiya to change a lot after not seeing her for such a long time.

After getting out of the car and sitting in the cab, Wang Shiya started the car.

Unlike Wang Shiya, Huo Ran 913 is really a veritable old driver. Under his driving, the car rushes quickly. It is already midnight. Even in Jiangcheng, there are very few cars at night.

But Huo Ran is not driving unscrupulously, he has to obey the traffic rules.

“It’s night, don’t go back.” Huo Ran said.

“Okay.” Wang Shiya blushed, and subconsciously clenched her hands.

In fact, Huo Ran didn’t think too much. Originally, Wang Shiya was a girl. It was not safe to drive at night. Besides, she would follow her driving speed and wait for him to return home.

(bcbh) But where to live?

I’m afraid I can only go back to the previous house.Lolo’s house is a two-bedroom house with no extra rooms, so I can’t live with myself, right?

And it was past eleven o’clock, and returning home at this time delayed Luo Luo’s rest again.

Sigh, no matter what, let’s go back and deal with it for one night. Anyway, I haven’t gone back for more than two months. I knew the road and drove the car to the center of Jiangcheng.

Wang Shiya, who was sitting in the car, felt something was wrong.She had been to Luoluo’s house, but she was not in this area.At this time, going to the city center, can’t it be dinner?

“Where are we going?

“Go to my house.”

Soon, Huo Ran drove the car into the community. Seeing Huo Ran was driving, no one dared to stop it.

Wang Shiya knows here. This is the best community in Jiangcheng. Don’t look at it as a villa, but the house here is more expensive than the two villas.

In the distance, two men with sunglasses looked at Huo Ran triumphantly.

I took out the key and opened the door. I haven’t returned for two months. The house is still the same as the new one. Strictly speaking, this is Liu Piaopiao’s house. There are so many properties under her name, so it is natural to clean up regularly. Not to mention that this is where Huo Ran lives.

Every week, Liu Piaopiao would send someone to clean it.

There are many musical instruments in Zhiran’s home, and there is nothing missing in the refrigerator. He opened the refrigerator, took a bottle of drink for Wang Shiya, and pointed to the opposite room: “You can live there at night.

That room was carefully prepared by Huo Ran for Su Xiaoyu. In the style of the pink girl, Wang Shiya nodded, walked over, and opened the door. He was very curious about what the room was like for people like Huo Ran.

Judging from the furnishings in the living room, he is a madman, all musical instruments.

Open the door, good fellow! There’s no such thing as a heaven by your side.

The whole room was full of pink smell, there were dolls on the bed, and there was fragrance in the room.

But Wang Shiya was not so happy anymore, with a low face, looking at Huo Ran: “Are you still in the golden house?”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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