Chapter 857 Secret date (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Wang Chenxi is not a good person either, and everyone knows that someone has a wife to do this.

But thinking about it from another angle, they should also count as each taking what they need, right? Wang Chenxi asked for money, and Li Longting figured that Wang Chenxi was pretty.

Clicking on the message, it turned out to be a photo, or that kind of photo!

Zhiran was even red, and he was embarrassed for him. At any rate, there are more than fifty people.

“So shameless!” Huo Ran scolded angrily.

Liu Hong and Liu Piaopiao looked at each other. Compared with the two photos of Huo Ran, this photo is a pediatrics. I really don’t know how Huo Ran is embarrassed to say that they are shameless.

The two of them love to watch Huo Ran, but Huo Ran looks at the computer screen again.

Because Wang Chenxi and Li Longting started dating, Huo Ran also admired Li Longting a little bit. They are already in their fifties. It would have been a long time to change to an average person, but Li Longting is still so energetic.

Liu Piaopiao was not idle. He copied all the photos posted above and sent them to Huo Ran. These photos are all good things and they are completely used.

Looking at the address above, Jiangcheng Meiju Theme Hotel is still a theme. This place is not accessible to ordinary people, but the specific room number is not written on it, but the old place is written.

Where is this old place?

The confidentiality of this kind of hotel is very strict, let alone oneself, even if the public servants of the people ask, they will not necessarily say, watching their agreed time.

After a smirk, at 7 o’clock in the evening, I can go and wait in advance, hide in the dark, and it will be over?

“Master, thank you. [!” Huo Ran ran out excitedly, Liu Piaopiao sighed, this kid is just scheming.

As for this photo, nothing is enough. It is necessary to record the transfer to prove that they have a money transaction relationship.

If in normal times, Liu Piaopiao would disdain to use this method to calculate others, there is no way, who made Li Longting this old boy too much, he would not be able to treat him as an adult.

Seeing that the interface of Wang Chenxi’s mobile phone hadn’t moved for a long time, Liu Piaopiao started his own operation, tapped on the keyboard, and quickly deciphered the payment password of Wang Chenxi’s mobile phone, but Liu Piaopiao did not steal the money. Nothing is enough, and Liu Piaopiao can’t look down on it either.

I found the chat records of Wang Chenxi and Li Longting, and there are really a lot of transactions between these two guys.

Just here in the last six months, Li Longting gave Wang Chenxi no less than half a million. Although half a million is not much, it is already an astronomical figure for a person with a monthly salary of 10,000 for the director of the audit department.

Needless to say, the money Li Longting gave Wang Chenxi was also from his wife.

Zhiran originally wanted to go by himself, but after another thought, he had no experience. Wouldn’t it be troublesome if he said the wrong thing? Suddenly, he couldn’t remember others, so he could only let Luo Luo follow him.

Luo Luo also didn’t want to come. After all, it was this matter. Who would want to mix it up? If Li Longting hadn’t let his TV series live and die, Huo Ran wouldn’t want to talk about this system.

Before six o’clock, Huo Ran had arrived, hiding in the coffee shop in the hotel lobby with Luo Luo, pretending to read the newspaper, and waiting for Li Longting to take the bait.

(Good promise) Luo Luo was afraid that there would be insufficient manpower, so he called Su Xiaoyu again. At this time, Su Xiaoyu and Xu Can were rushing here in a hurry.

It was not seven o’clock, six fifty, Wang Chenxi and Li Longting appeared.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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