Chapter 860 Photos (see monthly ticket for full order)

Since it was Huo Ran, he was not afraid anymore, sitting on the bed, and regaining his calm and relaxed state.

“Oh, is it Brother Huo?”

Huo Ran looked at Li Longting’s expression and almost didn’t laugh. This Li Longting was really naive, and Luo Luo also came over.

Li Longting saw Luo Luo’s camera and instantly understood that this Huo Ran was here to threaten him.

“What do you want to do?” Li Longting covered his face, looked at Huo Ran, and said angrily “Nine Two Three.”

“What am I not doing? I just want to ask you about my TV series.

“Do you want to threaten me? I tell you, I am a person who eats soft or hard and wants to threaten me. You are still far away.” Li Longting stood up.

Luo Luo and Su Xiaoyu hurriedly covered their eyes.

Huo Ran saw that this scene was indeed a bit embarrassing, let Luo Luo and Su Xiaoyu go out first, anyway, the video to be shot was finished, just something.

Xu Can also retired. For this kind of thing, the farther you are inside, the better. If you don’t get well, it will easily affect yourself. This Huo Ran is really bad. He actually does what such a small person does. Son.

Now, there are only three people in the room, Huo Ran, Li Longting and Wang Chenxi.

Wang Chenxi also slowed down and changed her clothes. Now Wang Chenxi is still rejoicing. Fortunately, it is not Li Longting’s wife who has come, otherwise she can’t disfigure herself?

“Huo Ran, let me tell you the truth, I won’t review your TV series, and if this happens now, let alone anymore.” Li Longting slapped the table, really like the director of the audit department.

“It’s okay, no more.” Huo Ran waved his hand: “I am a person. What I don’t like most is threatening people. Since you, Director Li, said, no, then no!”

Li Longting didn’t speak, he was waiting to see what tricks Huo Ran was playing.

For an old fox like Li Longting, the hair is empty if one is pulled off. He knows what Huo Ran wants to do next, it is nothing more than exploding Xiao Yang.

Li Longting was thinking of a way, thinking of a way that would not allow the system to tell the matter, but also not to do something for Huo Ran.

It’s just that Huo Ran doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who plays cards according to the routine. After saying that he doesn’t want to speak, he keeps playing with his mobile phone, as if he is sending messages. Li Longting doesn’t know what he is doing.

If he speaks, Li Longting still has a bit of confidence.

Because the more Huo Ran threatens him, the more it means he is anxious, and he can take the opportunity to press down, but Huo Ran is not talking now, and he has been playing with his mobile phone and is still typing. What does this mean?

“What are you doing?”

After a while, Li Longting couldn’t help it. He had never seen someone like Huo Ran.

“Send a message with Fat Sister.” Huo Ran smiled without looking at Li Longting.

With this sentence, Li Longting was scared, fat sister? Thinking of his wife’s figure, did Huo Ran tell his wife about this? It’s terrible now, Huo Ran can find it even here, what else Was he unable to find it?

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Of course, what did I lie to you.” Huo Ran continued to play with his phone.

This time, he was telling the truth, but this fat sister was not Li Longting’s wife, but Liu Piaopiao 1.7. Liu Piaopiao was sending photos to Huo Ran one after another.

“Not my wife?” Li Longting looked at Huo Ran.

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