Chapter 862 Retaliation begins (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“Okay!” Huo Ran nodded.

In fact, he was not called Su Xiaoyu today, because Luo Luo was called because he was afraid that there were not enough people, but Huo Ran would not push this matter to Luo Luo, that is not his style.

Luo Luo blushed, she knew that Huo Ran was doing it for herself.

Xu Can originally wanted to say a few words, but he didn’t expect that Huo Ran would say no excuse. Since Huo Ran did not excuse, he had nothing to say, so he pulled Su Xiaoyu and left.

Xu Can was convinced by his sister. If Su Xiaoyu were not here, Xu Can had counted Huo Ran 10,000 times.

Driving home, Huo Ran received a text message from Feng Liang overnight, saying that Li Longting was again apologizing and embarrassed, and pushed all the blame on this matter to his men.

Whoever is the Nanguan pot for, if this can be done well, that’s it!

When they returned home, both of them fell asleep quickly, especially Lolo, who climbed the 16th floor, and whether he could stand up tomorrow morning would be a problem.

When Li Longting returned home, he saw that his wife was no stranger to him, and then he was relieved. He didn’t expect that Huo Ran would calculate him. This Huo Ran, he must not be used to him.

“Brother, I gave the TV series to Huo Ran for trial. He collected my black material. Can you retaliate against him, “?”

“Of course there is, it doesn’t matter, I will take care of him.” Li Longye was proud.

This is what Li Longye had calculated for a long time, and he had never played Huo Ran, so that Huo Ran cheated more than 100 million yuan to sign Wang An.

He is not Huo Ran’s opponent, let alone Li Longting.

But it’s okay now, and Li Longting has been pulled into the water. From now on, they will be two brothers, and they will lose money!

Thinking of this, Li Longye gave a smirk, hung up, looked at Wang Chenkun who was sitting opposite, grinned: “Kun Kun, all progress is in our plan. The next step is to test you. You can do it. ?”

“Don’t worry, godfather! This time, I will ruin Huo Ran and take revenge on you and me!”

After preparing for two months of revenge, it is finally about to begin.

“Dian, my song has been recorded, would you like to listen to it?”

Early in the morning, as soon as Huo Ran arrived at the company, Li Chaoyue greeted him and Huo Ran nodded quickly.

Now Huo Ran can also be regarded as a happy and happy person. The TV series has passed the trial. The next step is to discuss the contract with the TV station. You don’t need to manage these things yourself. Luo Luo is solely responsible.

Next, I will prepare my album “The First Love Song” with Liu Hong.

Huo Ran is very interested in Li Chaoyue’s songs. He wants to know what kind of music Li Chaoyue can contribute after two months of cold and warm love.

Following Li Chaoyue into the company, Su Xiaoyu yawned, listless, and exhausted last night.

In fact, Huo Ran is also exhausted, and his calf is still aching. As soon as he entered the company, a familiar figure surprised Huo Ran. Huo Ran once sent Meng Na back home. He met this person and it was Meng Yaowu!

Huo Ran still remembers that Meng Yao was wearing a black uniform, just like a real estate agent, but she did not expect that she was Li Chaoyue’s agent.

In fact, Huo Ran didn’t think wrong. At that time, Meng Yao was indeed in the real estate agency, because after Li Chaoyue terminated the contract, she was also fired. Two days ago, Li Chaoyue found Meng Yao and agreed to a new job, and Meng Yao did not have it. I thought, it was Huo Ran’s company.

“Brother Fan, this is my agent.” Li Chaoyue introduced.

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