Chapter 867 Repay the money (seeking monthly pass for full order)

“Brother Kun, what’s the matter with the younger brother?” The fat man ran over and asked with a flattering look.

“How much does he owe you?”

“One hundred thousand, this crippled calf, has no money to borrow money, he is still a star at a loss.”

The fat man had two attitudes towards Wang Chenkun and Li Chaoyue. Obviously, there was the difference between rich and no money.

“I paid him back.” Waved his hand and motioned his assistant to follow him to pay the money.

Li Chaoyue is dumbfounded, what does this mean? Not only is it not difficult for himself, but he also helps himself to pay back the money, is this really Wang Chenkun? Compared with Huo Ran, Wang Chenkun is the real good person, just this generosity, he is Huo Ran can’t compare.

“Brother Kun, thank you, I will definitely pay you back.” Li Chaoyue blushed and bowed.

Wang Chenkun looked at Li Chaoyue like this, a little booing, but he didn’t feel distressed. This was all he asked for. He obviously could rely on his talent to eat, and he had to come to do this. Such a person is not worthy of pity.

But I think so in my heart, I can’t say that on my lips, I am not paying back Li Chaoyue for nothing.

“Just call me Wang Chenkun. What is Brother Kun? I’m not Huo Ran. I don’t have that particularity…” Wang Chenkun patted Li Chaoyue on the shoulder and motioned for him to get in the car with him.

If more than anything else, Wang Chenkun is really not Huo Ran’s opponent, but he is much better than provoking discord.

Cautiously, he followed Wang Chenkun into the car. Li Chaoyue didn’t know what Wang Chenkun wanted to do, but one thing was certain, Wang Chenkun was not a good man and believer, and he was not here to gamble, but to find himself.

There is no free lunch in the world, and Chao Li knows this very well.

“Brother Kun, what can you do with me?”

“Refreshing! I like such a refreshing person.” Wang Chenkun took out the prepared bank card from his pocket.

This is Li Longye asked him to prepare, three million! Wang Chenkun has said that Li Chaoyue does not need so much money now, three to five million is almost the same, who makes Li Longye rich?

It’s just that Wang Chenkun didn’t pass the bank card to Li Chaoyue, but put it in his own hands to play with. He was hooking up Li Chaoyue.

After swept away, Li Chaoyue’s eyes lit up and he was staring at the bank card.

Wang Chenkun jokingly smiled: “There are three million in this card, do you want it?”

Li Chaoyue swallowed his mouth water, let alone three million, he wants 300,000, this money can help him make a perfect turnaround, and then he will win back the millions he lost, and then take it. hand.

Nodded dumbly, his eyes staring straight at the bank card in Wang Chenkun’s hand: “I want it.”

“If you want, I can give it to you, but you have to do things for me!”

“. “What are you doing? You said. ”

“I haven’t thought about it yet. When I think about it, you will help me. If it works, I will give you the money. There will be more money in the future, how about it?” Wang Chenkun finished, and deliberately The bank card shook in front of Li Chaoyue’s eyes. There was nothing to consider at all.

Sell ​​Huo Ran and three million, Li Chaoyue will definitely choose the latter!

He hurriedly reached out and took the bank card, put it in his pocket, for fear that Wang Chenkun would regret it.

“Haha!” Wang Chenkun smiled triumphantly, looking forward to the moment when Huo Ran died in public.

Luo Luo came to the company and didn’t know what happened just now, and no one told her that this was not a good thing, and there was no need to tell her.

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