Chapter 869 No script (see monthly ticket for full order)

Li Chaoyue pinched and counted, more than five hundred thousand, then he had three and five hundred thousand, and he could just take advantage of this opportunity to pay back.

Several people chatted, Huo Ran and Li Chaoyue set off, Su Xiaoyu has been driving the car, and Jason has been putting makeup on both of them.

“Huo Ran, are you nervous? I have watched this reality show before. It is very real.” Su Xiaoyu looked at Huo Ran through the rearview mirror and laughed.

“What do you mean by being very real?”

“There is no script, the cameras are all installed on you, except for the security officer, there is nothing.” Su Xiaoyu said.

Huo Ran didn’t believe what Su Xiaoyu said. It was all from the perspective of their audience. This is not accurate. Only the real participants will know. How can a reality show be real?

Li Chaoyue went to bed after putting on makeup, but couldn’t sleep. Su Xiaoyu was really hard driving alone. Huo Ran sat in the co-pilot and chatted with Su Xiaoyu to avoid driving Su Xiaoyu because of fatigue.

In fact, Su Xiaoyu has long been sleepy. If he weren’t worried about Huo Ran, he would feel tired when he was recording the show tomorrow, which would affect the effect of the recording, so he kept driving.

When I arrived in Jianglin, it was already noon the next day. As soon as the car stopped, Su Xiaoyu lay on the steering wheel and drove the car all night. It was really exhausting.

Huo Ran couldn’t bear to let Su Xiaoyu sleep here. There happened to be a villa in the filming location. Huo Ran carried Su Xiaoyu on his back and found a room in the villa to let Su Xiaoyu rest well. Then he explained to Jason and asked Jason to stay. Come and take care of Su-Xiaoyu.

The shooting location was a villa.

It is said that it is a villa. In fact, the villa is just a place to post tasks. Behind the villa, there is a desert island, but the desert island is man-made, and it is prepared for the lovers of survival. There are no lake beasts inside, and it is relatively safe. .

One after another, Zhang Shengjie, Wang Chenkun and Liu Hong all arrived.

When the five people met, it was a cold and warm greeting, especially Wang Chenkun and Huo Ran, who hugged each other. If they didn’t know them, they thought they were good friends who hadn’t seen them for many years.

Only they know what’s going on. The whole villa is equipped with cameras. Except for the toilet, there are no dead spots. The live broadcast has already started. It is impossible for them to expose their original relationship in front of the audience.

“Master, are you also coming to this show?” Huo Ran looked at Liu Hong. He was really worried about Liu Hong. Can such a show work with Liu Hong’s body shape?

…Please ask for flowers………

“Yeah, as the main mentor, of course I am coming. I am your captain and I am here to take you.” Liu Hong patted his chest and joked. Anyway, she is also an official.

Suddenly, a sirens came, and the whole villa was shrouded in red lights.

When Huo Ran saw it, this show didn’t tell the script and the characters first, did it start directly?

Soon, a man with a black leather jacket and black sunglasses walked in from the door. This man had a good figure, covered by leather jackets, and his muscles all came out. Even Liu Hong couldn’t help but look more. Eye.


It seems that he is the initiator of this show.

Now Huo Ran regrets it a little bit. This show may be a real reality show without any script. It seems that these three days may have been difficult.

The man pushed his sunglasses and said: “Congratulations to the top four players of the superstar of tomorrow. I am the planner of this show. I call the car guide.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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