Chapter 874 Signal interruption (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Boom, boom!

Above the sky, thunder and lightning flashed.

Jiang Lin is like this. The weather is fickle, and even the Meteorological Bureau has no way to monitor it. Such a match.

Gradually, raindrops fell on the sky.

Fortunately, it is in the forest, otherwise Huo Ran and Liu Hong will have to be poured into a soup chicken.

In the forest, even if it rains heavily, you can’t feel it. There are leaves on it, and the rain water drains on the leaves, changing the original trajectory and power.

Therefore, in the forest, you hear louder rain than outside, but in fact, there are only a handful of raindrops on you.

Liu Hong was panting, but luckily it was raining, otherwise, would he be able to bear this hot weather?

The forest was refreshing. It was raining and the temperature was more suitable for Liu Hong, but Huo Ran was a bit cold.

“Continue to walk five hundred meters along the current road to reach the destination.”

Hearing Qianqian’s prompt tone, Huo Ran immediately came to his spirits, and there was still 500 meters left.

Walking forward, as expected, a large pool of water came into view. There were no trees around the pool. It seemed that this was done to make it more conspicuous.

It’s just this water, how should I drink it?

Originally, Huo Ran and Liu Hong thought it was a drinking fountain, but now it is, there is a drinking fountain, it is a real pool, it is real, there is clear water on the top, sand and mud below, and there are still a few pieces floating on the water. Leaves that have just fallen.

Although this water can be drunk, it can definitely be drunk, but knowing that you can drink it, you can’t drink it. This is so irritating.

Liu Hong’s eyes are almost falling out, isn’t this nonsense?

“Ask yourself, my old Liu is not a hypocritical person, but how do you drink this water?”

Liu Hong is not hypocritical, there is really no way to drink this water.

The car guide looked at Huo Ran and Liu Hong on the screen, and felt something was wrong. It was clear that the microphone had been turned on. Why would the sound be intermittent? Is it because it was raining that the signal was bad? That shouldn’t be right. .

Soon, the video signal also fluctuates.

The car guide suddenly realized that he was a professional media graduate. He knew the signal jammer. It was raining on the entire deserted island, but only Huo Ran and Liu Hong’s equipment had a problem. Could it be that besides a few of them, there are others on the deserted island? ?

At this moment, behind the tree behind Huo Ran, a figure was shaking, and the car guide was shocked, because that person was not the werewolf they arranged. Then, the signal was interrupted.

“Quickly, rescue Huo Ran right away.” The car guide put down his earphones and rushed out.

…Please ask for flowers….

At this moment, Huo Ran pinched his waist, looked at the water, secretly speechless, how should I drink this? Drinking on the ground, there is no easy way around.

“Huo Ran, be careful!” Liu Hong pushed his glasses because he found the person on the opposite side.

To be precise, it was not just people who came on the opposite side, but people on all sides. There were six in total. Everyone held a stick in their hands.

Huo Ran was taken aback, six werewolves appeared at a time, still holding a stick in his hand?

What’s wrong, they are completely different from the previous werewolves. The previous werewolves had signal receivers on their heads, but they didn’t.

Six people, ignoring Liu Hong, surrounded Huo Ran.

“Huo Ran, did we meet again?” The leader held a big stick and gave a smirk.

See you again?

Huo Ran looked at the person’s eyes and thought for a while, this one has met again, where did it come from? In the impression, I have never seen him before.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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