Chapter 876 Talk about compensation (seeking monthly pass for full order)

After all the six big guys were dealt with, the car guide was late.

I looked at Huo Ran and Liu Hong, and then at the six big guys on the ground who were foaming at their mouths. These six big guys were fine if they died. Liu Hong and Huo Ran were fine.

The car guide’s face didn’t have the serious expression he had before. Instead, he became very embarrassed, with apologetics on his face.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing happened in reality TV shows, given a huge amount of compensation, and this time it was Liu Hong and Huo Ran who had the accident.

One is a domestic music master, and the other is Jiangcheng’s top traffic artist.

12 The car guide has been in the business for so many years, and there has never been such a thing. This is his first time.

“I’m sorry, Huo Ran, Teacher Liu Hong, we didn’t expect to mix in others here, do you think you can continue?”

“If we can’t continue, let’s talk about compensation now. We are very sorry for what happened just now. I’m sorry.” The car guide continuously apologized.

Huo Ran still likes people like car directors. No matter what they do, they have their own looks. Even if they apologize, they are so sincere. Although they are only directors of variety shows, they are not much worse than those big directors.

Liu Hong looked at the car guide. In fact, according to her personality, this matter is forgotten, but now Huo Ran is here. Huo Ran is nominally Liu Hong’s apprentice.

But in fact, Liu Hong treated Huo Ran as his own son. Who can bear such a big incident with his own child?

But Liu Hong didn’t say anything else, waved his hand, and said, “This matter, you can talk to Huo Ran. Whatever Huo Ran said, just do it.”

When the car guide listened, it was over!

It would be easier if Liu Hong came forward to solve the matter. After all, Liu Hong is not a careful person, and his attitude is a little better, so let this matter pass.

But Huo Ran is different. Don’t look at Huo Ran when he built a small house this afternoon, the car guide praised him.

After so many years, what is Huo Ran’s ethos?

It is domineering, defiant, and notoriously difficult to do. Although the recent reviews have improved a lot, the people who say this are usually people who cooperate with Huo Ran. They say that because of the cooperative relationship and are not willing to offend Huo. Ran put?

At least the car guide thinks so.

“Kairan, I apologize to you on behalf of the program team, let’s talk about compensation next.” The car director sighed and said.


It was a pity that he didn’t know what to pay for, and he was not injured, and nothing happened. He didn’t know what to pay for.

But this question changed when I heard the car guide’s ears.

When the car guide heard Huo Ran’s tone, the secret talk was over, and the lion must have opened his mouth. Instead of letting Huo Ran make a false price, it is better to bid first and tell Huo Ran where his bottom line is. If Huo Ran is true If the lion speaks loudly, he can only go through legal procedures.

After all, the car director is just the director. He doesn’t count many things. There are producers and sponsors behind him. Even if 937 is the compensation, the sponsor is responsible for it.

Wang Chenkun and Li Chaoyue in the dark place were so angry. Where did these people come from? They grabbed the sticks directly. It was a shame that six big men could be solved by Huo Ran and Liu Hong.

“Well, we will give you the first place treatment, and give you another five million in compensation, do you think it is okay?” The car guide looked at Huo Ran and asked.

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