Chapter 879 Looking for water (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

As long as you look for it patiently, you can find it. Huo Ran doesn’t know any wood, but Qianqian knows it. After showing a series of encyclopedias, he has everything.

Although this time I understand what it is. Not only is this wood impermeable, but it also tastes great with water.

Liu Hong saw that Huo Ran smashed the wood and broke the wood into four pieces, sitting on the ground and digging out the wood. I couldn’t believe it. Can this work?

“Apprentice, can you do this?” Liu Hong looked at Huo Ran and asked.

“Of course it will work. If it doesn’t work, can I do that? Trust me.” Huo Ran digs out the scraps of wood.

The car guide looked at Huo Ran’s video and was secretly surprised. It seems that he really underestimated this Huo Ran. Not only is he good, his songs are very good, and even the common sense of survival is so much better than others. Watching the steadily rising ratings Speed, the car guide is relieved.

Soon, Huo Ran set up the kettle and gave Li Chaoyue one. Huo Ran didn’t have the same knowledge as him. After all, Li Chaoyue is still an artist of the company.

After the water was filled, the three returned to the hut.

The countdown that has always been on has become 64 hours. For Huo Ran, the real test has just begun. The car director said that the resources on the desert island are only enough for three people.

Now everyone is not serious, but on the third day, who can bear the hunger and fatigue, who can really hold on to the end.

The setting of the desert island is that a werewolf will appear every three hours. If three people sleep at the same time, it will definitely not work. If it is killed by a werewolf three times, it will be over soon.

“We have to take turns to watch the night.” Liu Hong said with a yawn.

“I won’t do it, I’m an idol star, how can I do something low-level like the night watch, and staying up late is bad for the skin, I won’t do it.” Li Chaoyote was on the side and directly rejected Liu Hong’s proposal.

Money is because of money. What happened to Li Chaoyue? Could it be that he owes money to others?

Liu Hong was also wondering what the hell was going on with this kid. He was not like that when he was the superstar of tomorrow. How come everything has changed now.

At that time, Li Chaoyue was very reticent, so he talked about the works. Why has it become like this now?

“This silly X, get out of Huo Ran’s team.”

“Huo Ran is blind and signed such a person.”

In the barrage, Li Chaoyue was all scolded, and there were some rhythmic ones. On this show, Li Chaoyue did not attract fans very much. Instead, he was taking off fans at the speed of light.

…For flowers…

Even Luofan Media is also Huo Ran’s company, but because of Li Chaoyue, he was criticized miserably.

Huo Ran sighed, “You guys should go to bed tonight, I just watch the night by myself.”

Liu Hong looked at Huo Ran and wanted to talk, but was stopped by Huo Ran. Now is not the time to talk, but it is better to make it by yourself than three together. When the werewolves come, you can call them by yourself. .

There was a sirens.

The voice of the car guide came out: “Everyone is here for the first day today, let you sleep peacefully, starting tomorrow morning, the werewolf system will be restored.”

This is the green light given by the car guide specially for Huo Ran. Huo Ran didn’t say anything about him today, and he didn’t want to compensate him. Of course he has to reward something. Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun are both involved. Huo Ran’s light.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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