Chapter 882 Regret (see monthly ticket for full order)

Li Chaoyue wiped his fists, flat tears rolled in his eyes. He knew that he shouldn’t ask for Wang Chenkun’s money.

“Shengjie, you are very ruthless, but the quality is a little bit worse.” If Wang Chenkun pointed out, of course it is today’s six big men.

“What are you talking about? I don’t know.” Zhang Shengjie shrugged.

Since Zhang Shengjie didn’t want to say anything, Wang Chenkun didn’t want to ask, and kicked Li Chaochao: “Go back! I tell you, tomorrow I hope to receive news of Huo Ran’s elimination.

Hearing the words to let him go back, Li Chaoyue crawled and ran away as if he had heard some kind words.

Originally, Huo Ran wanted to hear what plans they were going to talk about. Unexpectedly, Li Chaoyue would not be allowed to listen to their plans. Li Chaoyue had all gone back, and he had to follow it. Otherwise, it would be easy to show off.

Huo Ran came by taking a small path. He went back faster than Li Chaoyue. He ran abruptly and returned to the small house.

Seeing that Huo Ran had returned, Liu Hong hurriedly closed his eyes, and Huo Ran also closed his eyes.

Soon, Li Chaochao came back trembling, still sobbing.

At the beginning, they were all the proud sons of tomorrow’s superstars, why did they become like this? Now, it seems that Huo Ran is the best.

But what should I do? If Huo Ran is not eliminated, Wang Chenkun will tell Huo Ran that he has lost a lot of money. At that time, he is still dead. If Huo Ran is eliminated, then he will be too unhuman. NS.

At this time, Li Chaoyue was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle as to how to choose, but he was certain that he would be threatened by Wang Chenkun throughout his life.

Although he didn’t sleep, he was waiting for Li Chaoyue’s decision. Who can blame it? As long as Li Chaoyue can sincerely regret it, the rest will not be a problem.

Huo Ran is not a stingy person, he will forgive Li Chaoyue completely, provided that he truly repents.

In order to test Li Chaoyue, Huo Ran also deliberately exposed the side of the signal receiver, the purpose is to see Li Chaoyue’s sincerity.

I saw Li Chaoyue’s hand stretched out trembling, and soon he ran into Huo Ran’s signal receiver, but he didn’t pull it out.

“Sure, I really have nowhere to go, “.” Li Chaochao gritted his teeth, his heart froze, and he was about to pull it out.

Huo Ran still didn’t move. If Li Chao’s final choice was to let himself out, then he would recognize it. At least this time the reality show can make him recognize a person.

As soon as the day broke, a sirens awakened everyone.

Huo Ran walked out of the small house, fascinated by the lazy waist, and he was refreshed in happy events, and Li Chaoyue also walked out of his nephew.

At the end, Li Chaoyue still didn’t unplug Huo Ran’s signal receiver. This was what moved Huo Ran the most. He always believed that treating people with heart will always pay off.

It’s just that Li Chaoyue looked at Huo Ran’s eyes flickering, evasive, and he was obviously afraid of something. This is a manifestation of a guilty conscience. Even if Li Chaoyue didn’t really feel sorry for Huo Ran, in his heart, he was always sorry. .

This Gada may not be solved for a while.

Of course Huo Ran knows what’s going on (Noah). He walked up to Li Chaoyue, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: “How do you feel today?”

“It’s okay!” Li Chaoyue’s eyes were dodgy, and he didn’t even dare to look at Huo Ran.

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