Chapter 887 Gunpowder flavor (see monthly ticket for full order)

Now, Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun are people in a trench at any rate, and Wang Chenkun is flat, why would Zhang Shengjie stand by?

Dian Ran also discovered Zhang Shengjie’s dark energy, and Wang Chenkun, Zhang Shengjie’s energy is really quite big, simple comparison of strength, Huo Ran is really not his opponent, but this kind of game is not pure. Than strength. There is more than holding.

Although Huo Ran is not as strong as Zhang Shengjie, he is persistent. At first, Zhang Shengjie looked arrogant, but after a while, he was honest.

After all, it’s the strength and hard work that the gym produces, and you have no comparison at all.

The happiest thing is that Li Chaoyue, Huo Ran really vented himself, he did not harm Huo Ran, it was the most correct decision he made in his life, he did not regret it at all.

Huo Ran, Zhang Shengjie blushed before letting go.

Liu Hong pushed the glasses. The top four of the Tomorrow’s Superstars this year is the most uncomfortable for her, and it has not reached a certain level. The relationship between the tomorrow’s superstars who understand is not bad.

“Why are you here? Don’t you always want me to be eliminated, “?” Huo Ran looked at Wang Chenkun and smiled.

“What Huo Ran said, we are all righteous gentlemen, not little xiaoren, how can we do such a thing?” Wang Chenkun said righteously.

If this is said from someone else’s mouth, Huo Ran can still smile, but if this is said from Wang Chenkun’s mouth, then it can’t be passed by a smile, and Wang Chenkun can be considered a human? After that, I’m so sorry Li Chaoyue.

Seeing Wang Chenkun staring at Li Chaoyue with his eyes, Huo Ran stepped a step and stood in front of Li Chaoyue. The seemingly inattentive action made Li Chaoyue very moved.

It is better to follow such a person than to follow Wang Chenkun, a man who is skilled in calculations.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder on both sides was getting stronger and stronger, Liu Hong hurried over. She didn’t care about the influence of the program group, but purely for the sake of Huo Ran. After all, this is a live broadcast program. OK.

“What are you doing here?” Liu Hong pushed his glasses.

If it was Huo Ran, Zhang Shengjie could still quarrel, but with Liu Hong, he really didn’t dare. This was the only place Zhang Shengjie was better than Wang Chenkun.

He knows how to respect the teacher, know that Liu Hong is a senior, even if he is quarreling with someone, he can’t quarrel with Liu Hong.

This is also due to Zhang Shengjie’s family education, Zhang Shengjie’s father, Yu, is not a general generation.

*. “Teacher Liu, this is the case. We want to form an alliance. This is a team-based game play. Being a lone wolf is not a good choice.” Zhang Shengjie said politely.

“How about you?” Liu Hong nodded and looked at Wang Chenkun.

“Same as Zhang Shengjie.”

The car director was relieved. He was really afraid that these young masters would fight together (Noma’s). These four people, leaving Li Chaoyue aside, are not counted. The remaining Huo Ran, Wang Chenkun, and Zhang Shengjie are all The lord who is not easy to mess with.

“Huo Ran, go and give them some food, since we are together, of course he will share it together.

Liu Hong has spoken, what else can Huo Ran say? But after another thought, they all treated Li Chaoyue like that last night. They didn’t know that they were going to frame themselves once, so it was too cheap for them to just give it to him. .

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