Chapter 905 Nothing (see monthly ticket for full order)

Is this the pole to save yourself? I subconsciously caught the pole and waited for rescue.


Feeling the cold wind blowing on his face, Huo Ran removed his eyes and spit out a mouthful of lake water from his mouth. He looked at Li Chaoyue who was squeezing his abdomen, and looked at Liu Hong again. It seems that this time, he succeeded. .

It’s just that Huo Ran didn’t faint. After vomiting all the water in his stomach, he felt a lot more relaxed. He shook his vague “Nine Fifty Zero” head, and the secret path was okay.

“Huo Ran, are you okay?” Li Chaochao asked with concern.

“It’s okay, it makes you worry.” Huo Ran waved his hand, indicating that he was okay.

Looking at Wang Chenkun and Zhang Shengjie again, all the expressions in their eyes were worries, regardless of whether they were genuine or fake. It was enough to have this look.

Until now, the car guide and rescue team have been late. Huo Ran took a meaningful look at the car guide. Huo Ran is now dead.

The car guide saw that Huo Ran was okay, and he was relieved.Even if Huo Ran scolds him now, he won’t say anything, let alone Huo Ran just glared at himself. By now, the car guide has been determined in his heart. The idea is Huo Ran. No matter what the results this time, no one can shake Huo Ran’s first position. All the staff of the superstar of tomorrow, all

It’s all his Huo Ran’s.

Everyone stood in a row. Even if Huo Ran felt 10,000 upset, he had to finish recording this show. This is professionalism.

The cameraman turned on the equipment again. This segment was prepared for the summary show a few days later. Until then, this year’s superstar of tomorrow is the real end.

“Congratulations to everyone for completing the 72-hour reality show test. Congratulations. Next, you will get a few days of free activities and then participate in our graduation ceremony.” The car guide said.

After watching a circle, I found that everyone had no objections, and continued: “Now announce our final ranking of this reality show, the fourth place is Li Chaoyue!”

The fourth place is undisputed. After all, Li Chaoyue’s performance this time is really not very good. The most important point is that Huo Ran and Li Chaoyue belong to the same company. One of them must be the bottom. Huo Ran, right?

“The fourth place, there is no reward.” The car guide continued.

For this, Li Chaoyue had been mentally prepared for a long time. After all, his performance after coming to the desert island was not very good. It was not until the end that he wanted to understand that he was fourth.

The car guide looked at the sales card in his hand, because the name of the third place was Huo Ran. No matter how you looked at it, Huo Ran should be the first.

Until now, the car guide did not know the ranking of this list. The final ranking was determined by him. His current hand is only the suggestion given by the program group. As for the first and second, it is obvious that it is sponsorship. The fee didn’t take less.

The car guide is also a righteous person. In this case, he will not allow justice and conscience to be defeated by money. Before coming back, he already has the final ranking in his heart.

Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun don’t care about 1.7 at all, because they know that they are ranked first and second, and even the so-called reality show has to be controlled by money.

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