Chapter 907 Forgive (see monthly ticket for full order)

At the beginning, Li Chaoyue didn’t dare to say anything, because he was really sorry for Huo Ran, but gradually, his conscience couldn’t stand it.

Some people, some things, it’s not that you can get past without mentioning them.

For things like this, it is better to talk face-to-face so that there will be no grudges.

“Huo Ran, I” Li Chaoyi was stuttered and couldn’t say anything. Looking at Huo Ran, he really didn’t know how to speak.

“What’s wrong?” Huo Ran asked knowingly.

This is not because Huo Ran deliberately embarrassed Li Chaoyue. Li Chaoyue didn’t mention this kind of thing, and he didn’t dare to mention it. He could only ask Li Chaoyue to speak out, otherwise no one could help him.

Li Chaoyue sat on the edge of the bed, struggling in his heart. For a long time, he decided to speak: “Huo Ran, next, what I said to you, if you can’t forgive me, I will leave unconditionally. If you Forgive me, I will never forget you in my life.”

“I forgive you, let’s talk.” Huo Ran waved his hand.

Li Chaoyue was surprised. He didn’t say anything, so forgive himself? Huo Ran is so good at talking? It seems that he doesn’t know what he has done. In fact, Huo Ran really knows.

“Huo Ran, is what you said is true? You still wait for me to finish, you are talking, “…”

“No, I forgive you!” Huo Ran affirmed.

In fact, the moment Huo Ran got the phone, he already knew the cause and effect of the incident. Wang Shiya had already told him that there were photos on it. As soon as Huo Ran saw the photos, Huo Ran knew what was going on.

The reason why he didn’t go to Li Chaoyue was not because of his generosity, but because he didn’t want to do it. Even if Li Chaoyue didn’t come to him, he would forgive Li Chaoyue this time.

“Huo Ran, me?”

Before Li Chaoyue finished speaking, Huo Ran interrupted him and continued: “What did you do before, I know all of them. The reason why I didn’t come to you is because I believe you can learn well. Needless to say.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can leave, I won’t ask you for anything, and I won’t let you make any compensation. As a good brother, I can only persuade you to stop gambling!”

After listening to Huo Ran’s words, Li Chaoyue was a little moved, his eyes were a little moist.

Seeing Li Chaoyue’s appearance, Huo Ran patted him on the shoulder and smiled: “When everyone is doing something wrong, I won’t give up on you because you make a mistake once. You take Wang Chenkun’s money and return it. Tell me if it’s not enough, I’ll let Sister Luo give it to you.”

“Thank you Huo Ran.” Li Chaoyue couldn’t wait for a seam to get into it now, not because Huo Ran made him shame, but because Huo Ran was too big and made him faceless.

*. “I only have one request.” Huo Ran paused, then continued: “Your last song is not good. It cannot be your main song. My suggestion is to recreate, what do you think?”

“it is good.”

Huo Ran comforted Li Chaochao for a while, and he told him to go back because He Luoluo was here. He Luoluo knew Li Chaochao’s performance on the desert island and was looking for Li Chaochao to settle the accounts.

When Li Chaoyue joined, but he asked for the Overlord Clause, but he repayed Huo Ran in this way, is that okay (good Nuo Li)?

Huo Ran did everything possible to stop it.

Tonight is the graduation ceremony of the superstars of tomorrow. At this time, Jason is putting makeup on Huo Ran, and He Luoluo is standing by.

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