Chapter 913 The action is too big (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“Beyond, everyone knows that your change is the biggest. You terminated the contract with the original company and joined Huo Ran’s company Luofan Media. Do you have anything to say?” Xu Can looked at Li Chaoyue again.

In fact, the original program arrangement was not like this, but Xu Ran really didn’t like Zhang Shengjie and Wang Chenkun. How did they become the champions and runners-up of the superstars of tomorrow? No one is more familiar than Xu Ran. In the final analysis, they just went through the back door.

Such people have problems with character, Xu Ran disdains them.

Zhang Shengjie was taken aback, his face changed slightly, and even Li Chaoyue climbed onto Laozi’s head, fucking!

“I still have to listen to Huo Ran’s arrangement, I am absolutely obedient.” Li Chaoyue said.

957 The current Li Chaoyue is really loyal to Huo Ran. This is all thanks to Huo Ran’s generosity. If Huo Ran forgave Li Chaoyue, the current Li Chaoyue is afraid that he will continue to deliver food. NS.

“Then can you tell me what kind of boss Huo Ran is?” Xu Ran continued.

Upon hearing this, Wang Chenkun had a secret opportunity, and hurriedly made a few glances at Li Chaoyue. In Wang Chenkun’s heart, Li Chaoyue was still threatened by himself. After all, he gave him three million.

This is the big stage for live broadcast. Huo Ran is not buried at this time, when is Huo Ran?

It’s just that Li Chaoyue didn’t look at Wang Chenkun. He was anxious to Wang Chenkun. He hurriedly pulled Li Chaoyue’s clothes with his hand, and Li Chaoyue was mercilessly thrown away.


Because Li Chaoyue’s movements were too big, Wang Chenkun’s microphone fell to the ground.

Xu Ran was surprised.

Not only Xu Ran, but all the fans at the scene were in an uproar.

Because it is impossible for Li Chaoyue to be unintentional at all, his actions are too big to be explained unintentionally at all.

Wang Chenkun looked at his microphone in disbelief, because Li Chaoyue didn’t even want to help him pick it up, but looked at the audience in the audience.

Li Chaoyue is now completely on Huo Ran’s side. This is all caused by Wang Chenkun’s humiliation of him. If Wang Chenkun only used it to buy it with money, it would be impossible for the next thing to happen. In the final analysis, this is Wang Chenkun. Made it myself.

It was (bcbh) Huo Ran that was the first to react, and hurriedly picked up the microphone, and smiled: “It seems that today is really an important day. Kun Kun can’t even hold the microphone.”

After finishing speaking, there was still an awkward laugh, but this laugh did not have any effect.

Wang Chenkun took the microphone, said twice to the microphone, and said: “It seems that Chaoyue is too excited today.”

Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wang Chenkun saying this. For a moment, he was really worried about Wang Chenkun’s use of the topic. The brain scene, it seems that Kunkun is also a person of general knowledge.

Wang Chenkun looked at Huo Ran. Needless to say, Li Chaoyue was willing to do this. Huo Ran must have let it. If it weren’t for Huo Ran’s instruction, Li Chaoyue would never dare to do this with himself. Huo Ran is used to it.

Life is so unfair. In fact, Huo Ran didn’t do anything, but all the faults are always blamed on Huo Ran.

Xu Ran smiled lightly, looked at Li Chaoyue, and continued: “Then Chaoyue will talk about what kind of person Huo Ran is.”

“Huo Ran is a very good person. I really can’t find an adjective to describe him. How can I explain it? He is the best and best person.” Li Chaoyue said.

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