Chapter 915 Black material broke out (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

It’s just that Wang Chenkun didn’t expect that after seeing Huo Ran’s black material, Huo Ran fans turned out to have such an expression. They were neither surprised nor sad. On the contrary, they looked excited. Take photos and take videos.

Are these really Huo Ran fans?

The entire entertainment circle says that Huo Ran has the biggest name, and it seems to be blown out. This group of fans, no one is a true fan, all of them are passersby fans, just watch the excitement, such as “Nine-Five-Seven” If you really love fans, you can’t cry when you see this kind of scene.

Looking around, many of my fans in the audience were crying. This is the true love fan. Knowing that I finally raised my eyebrows and defeated Huo Ran today, they all cried with excitement.

Zhang Shengjie also secretly pulled Wang Chenkun and was opened by Wang Chenkun.

There was a secret laugh in my heart. This Zhang Shengjie is really realistic. Knowing that Huo Ran is not working anymore, he hurriedly began to win over himself.

What a pity, it’s late!

He is about to be the number one star in Jiangcheng, Zhang Shengjie? Li Chaoyue? He dismissed it.

Looking at Huo Ran’s surprised expression, Zhang Shengjie wanted to laugh even more. What he wanted to see was Huo Ran’s expression.

“Huo Ran, do you know the bitterness of failure now? Starting from him, I see how you still get mixed up.”

Zhiran looked straight and looked at Wang Chenkun, with some sorrow and even regret in his eyes, and said: “Wang Chenkun, in order to belittle me, is it worth it for you to do this?”

“It’s not worth it, only willing or not!” Wang Chenkun shouted with a look of hunting: “Huo Ran, when you stepped on me at Huangtian Entertainment for three years, I have never had a chance to take revenge. Now it’s fine, this time , You can never turn over, right?”

With a silent face and no words, Wang Chenkun allowed Wang Chenkun to vent his emotions. The car director had already cut the picture to the advertisement, ensuring that no one except the audience at the scene knew about this time.

Liu Hong sat on the scene, his face pale.

This year’s superstar of tomorrow, although the strongest popular king in history, Huo Ran, was born, there were also many accidents. The biggest accident was Wang Chenkun. The accident, this time, is the most serious.

Wang Chenkun actually broke the black material, what is it for, is it hype?

For a long time, Wang Chenkun stopped his catharsis, and watched the fans in the audience smash the light card, there was a trace of hollowness in his eyes, because the fans who threw the light card were all his fans, and Huo Ran’s fans seemed to be okay. ..

Luo Luo slowly walked to the stage with a relaxed expression, not even worried at all.

Isn’t this normal? Luo Luo and Huo Ran are not only the relationship between the agent and the artist, but also the partners of the cooperative company. If there is a problem with Huo Ran’s personality, or there is a problem with Huo Ran’s traffic, Luo Luo They should be the one who suffers the most, but now, Luo Luo is not worried at all, not even worried at all.

How can this be?

Turning his head, looking at Li Chaoyue and Huo Ran, the two of them are also staring at themselves. In addition to regret, Li Chaoyue’s expression still has a trace of evil smile.

What is going on? Why do they all look at themselves like this?

At this moment, Xu Can also walked over, but he could see that he ran to the scene after 1.7, sweating profusely, and even breathing unevenly.

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