Chapter 928 Xiaojie (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“Huo Ran, I’m a normal person. You have a girlfriend. I won’t do that.

“Fuck off, what do you think? Am I like that? Honestly, take me to find that Xiaojie.

As soon as he heard that he was looking for Xiaojie, the guy took a breath, and then he became nervous again.

Xiaojie started to be an oiran. If Xiaojie knew that he brought Huo Ran to him, would he still be able to get along? He can’t change careers, but he loves this industry.

Huo Ran didn’t know what was so good about this business, hurting his body, and having to be beaten, but he was not interested in this matter, and didn’t want to talk nonsense with him, waved his hand and said.

“Take me to find Xiaojie. It has nothing to do with you. You don’t have to bear any responsibility, and I won’t betray you. Otherwise, just think about it.”

Huo Ran deliberately didn’t finish speaking, and gave the boy unlimited space for reverie. The boy hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to give out the address of Xiaojie’s house.

For the convenience of going to work, Xiaojie lives in the unfinished building in the back alley of the bar. The situation is in a hurry. Apart from asking the house number, Huo Ran also scared him a few words to prevent him from ventilating and insurance.

The unfinished building in the back alley of the bar was not completed at the beginning (bcbh). The four floors and above were not completed. Only the three floors below can live in. The environment is very poor, but it is very cheap.

Huo Ran wondered, Xiaojie belongs to the high-income group in the bar, why is he still living in such a miserable place?

In the small alley, there was no rush on the road. It was still a dirt road. Wang Shiya was carrying her skirt, fearing that it would be dirty, and soon went into the unfinished building. Occasionally, a few mice crawled by, and Wang Shiya jumped straight.

Holding Wang Shiya’s hand tightly, the two soon arrived at Xiaojie’s door.

When, when, when!

There was a knock on the door, and Xiaojie opened the door. After seeing that the person was Huo Ran, he didn’t show any panic, but was very relieved.

Huo Ran didn’t figure this out, did Xiaojie know the news from him?

“sit down.

Xiaojie at home was not as arrogant as he was in the bar. On the contrary, he was quite normal. Huo Ran and Wang Shiya touched a drink, sat on the tattered sofa, and lit a cigarette: “Say, when will you catch me?”

Xiaojie came home to hide from Huo Ran. He thought that Huo Ran wouldn’t care about him. He didn’t think that Huo Ran actually found him. Huo Ran’s face was hurt. He couldn’t afford it, so he could only go to jail. .

“Why do you want to catch you?” Huo Ran felt a little wanting to laugh. Now Xiaojie’s expression is completely different from what he used to be in the bar. It looks like an honest person.

“If you don’t catch me, why are you looking for me?”

As soon as Xiaojie heard that Huo Ran didn’t catch him, he immediately became energetic. Seeing Huo Ran’s appearance, it seemed that he didn’t want to embarrass him. If that was the case, he would definitely be grateful to the eight generations of ancestors.

“I want you to help us do one thing, as long as you do, we will forget the blame, how about?” Wang Shiya looked at Xiaojie and said.

When Xiaojie heard that, could he help Huo Ran? Isn’t that a joke?

Who is Huo Ran? That’s Jiangcheng’s top traffic star. He has money, people, and fans. What does he want to do, but he can’t do it? It’s a one-sentence thing. At this time, I need to do something for him. , This thing must not be easy.

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