Chapter 932 It’s acting again (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Without saying a word, I went straight to the place where the guy made it yesterday, looked up and down, and as expected, I was doing it. I found a piece of chewing gum with a small button on the chewing gum. It seemed that this thing was a monitor.

I really didn’t expect that Yan Jinxin would be so careful. Judging from the chewing gum, she had prepared it a long time ago, because when they found the guy, the guy didn’t eat the gum at all. You can see this chewing gum. , Is prepared in advance.

At least one thing can be confirmed now. Yan Jinxin has been in that bar from beginning to end. That’s why he knows and prepares.

It’s just that Huo Ran didn’t remove the monitor. Instead, he put the monitor back and closed the car door.

“Why didn’t you take it down?” Wang Shiya was a little puzzled. Since all of them were found, it would be fine to take them down. How could they put them back in? It would be inconvenient if there was something to do in the car.

“What are we doing with it? We just waited for him to monitor. If we are not monitored by him, how can we rest assured to catch her, “?” Huo Ran gave a smirk. Since Yan Jinxin is playing this routine with herself, she naturally has to plan. , Otherwise, how can you afford Yan Jinxin?

Back at the company, Yan Jinxin has become a part of Luo Luo. Huo Ran is a little puzzled. Didn’t Luo Luo always look down on Yan Jinxin? Why do you still talk to her so willingly? It seems that women’s jealousy , It’s really scary.

“Sister Luo, Jinxin, what are you talking about?” Huo Ran leaned forward and smiled.

“Do you want to control?” Luo Luo rolled his eyes and replied in an angry tone.

With just one sentence, Huo Ran already understands what’s going on, Lolo is acting! Huo Ran is the person who knows Lolo the best, if Lolo really doesn’t want to talk to you, or she really hates it , She doesn’t bother to talk to you.

Since Luo Luo is willing to talk to herself, it means that she is acting, nine out of ten, it is what Yan Jinxin said to Luo Luo just now, which made Luo Luo wary, and Luo Luo would choose to do so.

“Hehe, Huo Ran, look at Sister Luo, she is really angry.”

“Yeah, Sister Luo has never been angry with me. It seems that this time, she is here for real.” Huo Ran waved her hand, turned her head, and looked at Yan Jinxin: “You, this time, really. Did you come back sincerely?”

“Otherwise? Do you think I am a picture of you? If you don’t believe me, come to the rooftop and let’s have a good chat.”

Following Yan Jinxin to the rooftop, Yan Jinxin unexpectedly locked the door on the rooftop, but this is quite understandable, after all, it is not a glorious thing, it is better to be a little secretive, Huo Ran did not think much.

“.” Huo Ran, why do you always suspect me? I am the one you dug out by yourself.

Suddenly, Yan Jinxin cried, crying very thoroughly. For a moment, Huo Ran really thought he broke her heart.

Sometimes, when people look at things, they only see the first impression. For example, when Liu Hong looks at Huo Ran again, she feels that Huo Ran can do it, so she is willing to believe in Huo Ran.

(Nuo Wang Zhao) Just now, if Qianqian hadn’t reminded him in time, Huo Ran would have believed in Yan Jinxin.

Now that it was Yan Jinxin who was acting, Huo Ran knew what was going on.

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