Chapter 934 I have something to do (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)


He took a deep breath, as if I had a showdown, and said, “I came back because I regretted it. I regretted leaving from you. The heroine of “Sword” was originally mine. Why should I give it to Wang Shiya? ?”

Gradually, Yan Jinxin’s face began to change. Huo Ran didn’t even want to understand. Is this Yan Jinxin crazy? Can this be said? At the beginning, she cried and wanted to terminate the contract. Huo Ran is a good person, and she is not embarrassed. Yan Jinxin, on the contrary, became her. But looking at Yan Jinxin’s meaning, there is no meaning of gratitude at all, but a posture of asking sin.

Isn’t this person crazy? She voluntarily gave up at the beginning, which is also blamed on others?

It’s just that Huo Ran didn’t speak, and let Wang Shiya finish speaking. He didn’t say anything, because he would not listen carefully. Qianqian had already reminded that Yan Jinxin was acting. At this time, who is serious, who is not a fool? Huo Ran~ I don’t want to be this fool.

It took more than five minutes for Yan Jinxin to relax from her emotions, calm down, and continue: “Actually, I have no malice at all. I just want to come back and fight with you again. Could it be that you are so simple? Request, all-don’t you agree?”

“I agree.” Huo Ran let out a sigh, without any hesitation at all.

This is just like Huo Ran’s style. If Huo Ran hesitates again and again, Yan Jinxin still doesn’t believe it, because Huo Ran is this character, no matter what he does, he will not procrastinate.

“Thank you Huo Ran, I am really happy.

“Don’t be happy too early. There is no contract between you and me, nor can you sign a contract, so I hope you can still abide by our agreement and stay in the company well. Otherwise, I won’t let you go.”

“I see.” Yan Jinxin nodded and went on.

Huo Ran squinted. He knew that things would not be so simple. He also knew that Yan Jinxin was not such a particular person. If she was really particular, she would not have left before starting the machine.

And Huo Ran didn’t believe Yan Jinxin’s words at all. When he was fighting with Li Longye for the director, Yan Jinxin just ran away with Li Longye when he met Li Longye. Fool, who is the big fool.

Ding-the sound of mobile phone information.

It was Luo Luo who sent the message. Huo Ran hurriedly opened the message, and Luo Luo told himself to go down.

…Please ask for flowers………

Without a word, I just ran off. At this time, the company had already become a quarrel. Su Xiaoyu and Wang Shiya didn’t know why they were quarreling together. Huo Ran was confused. As for what, what is worth arguing. so.

After a glance, Lolo looked at her sad eyes and knew what was going on. It must be because of her own quarrel.

This is easy to understand. Su Xiaoyu is a straight-tempered person. She always has things to talk about. She likes Huo Ran not a day or two, but it has never been at the same time.

In fact, it is not that Huo Ran disagrees, but that he has never thought about it. He has always regarded Su Xiaoyu as his younger sister, and has never thought of anything wrong.

And last night, I belonged to the official announcement with Wang Shiya. Although it was forced, it was also announced by the official. How could Su Xiaoyu look at Wang Shiya? Besides, the two of them didn’t deal with it.

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