Chapter 938 Deliberately let you overhear (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

After all, Huo Ran is different from the traditional little fresh meat. He really understands music and is truly talented. Such a person is willing to respect him, and Huo Ran himself has no air.

After waiting for the person on the piano to finish playing, Huo Ran went up, but this time Huo Ran was completely different from before. The previous Huo Ran, closed his eyes when he went up, and he would play it soon.

But this time, after Huo Ran came up, he didn’t move anything. Instead, he closed his eyes.

What kind of song should the song written for Lolo be?

In fact, Huo Ran knows that he likes Luo Luo, but he has no way to tell Wang Shiya that what happened last 970 days was a misunderstanding. After all, Wang Shiya is innocent.

Um. …

With a rush of piano sound, Huo Ran lay down on the piano. He really drank too much, and it didn’t support him to finish the song.

Luo Luo sighed, and with the help of everyone, he transferred Huo Ran to the car and drove him back home.

In the early morning, when Huo Ran woke up, his head was about to explode, and he was vomiting everywhere on the ground. It was obvious that Lolo left after putting him on the bed.

There was alcohol everywhere. Huo Ran was vomited by the alcohol on his body. He took out his mobile phone and took a look. (bcbh) dozens of missed messages were all from Wang Shiya, and the phone was from WeChat. Some of them were sent out last night, and they seemed to worry him about being broken.

She hurriedly returned a message to Wang Shiya, and went to take a bath. The alcohol on her body must be cleaned up at home for a while.

I drove the car and went to Wang Shiya’s house without knowing what was going on.

There are still two days to celebrate the New Year. Huo Ran’s work ceased, and the progress of the album has also stopped. Su Xiaoyu and Xu Can returned to their hometown for the New Year, Feng Yao also returned to their hometown.

By the time Huo Ran arrived at Wang Yongjiang’s villa, it was almost noon. He got out of the car in a hurry and yawned. The feeling of a hangover was really uncomfortable. If there was a chance to come back, he would never drink for so long. of.

“How much did you drink last night, why are you so alcoholic?” Wang Shiya frowned and sprayed Huo Ran twice with perfume.

It’s easy to understand that after all, everyone is a young lady, and it’s normal that you can’t stand the smell.

Walking into the villa, Wang Yongjiang had put on a Tang suit, red, very festive, and was sitting in front of his tea set playing tea.

“Here is my son-in-law, sit down!” Wang Yongjiang was generous, and he changed all the names directly. I am embarrassed to change all Huo Ran, so he changed all the names.

“Master, you are polite.”

“What are you polite? Didn’t you and Shiya have been officially announced? That’s right, we Shiya, no matter what looks like, are not inferior to ordinary people, what else do you need to worry about? I think it happens to be when you are together Everybody is right, she looks like a man.”

Wang Yongjiang waved his big hand and felt ashamed to Wang Shiya, as if he couldn’t get married.

She didn’t speak, her eyes were straight, and all she was thinking of was Huo Ran. He once said that he would spend the New Year with Luo Luo. It is right now, but he is here.

“Huo Ran, stop thinking about it, come here today to celebrate the New Year together.” Wang Yongjiang smiled.

This is the life he wants. The current Wang Yongjiang is eager to let Huo Ran and Wang Shiya get married soon, and then give him a fat grandson to enjoy the family happiness.

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