Chapter 942 Really gone (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)


Huo Ran panted heavily. Regardless of the security’s request to stop him, he raised his leg and ran into the airport. The security recognized him as Huo Ran and didn’t say anything, but just let Huo Ran run in.

Entering the airport lobby, it is empty and very quiet. The security checkpoint is empty. The last flight has already set off. The people at Jiangcheng Airport have to go home from get off work for the New Year. The entire airport lobby, except for those who have just sent off their loved ones. Besides, only a few cleaning aunts were cleaning the ground.

Huo Ran didn’t care about the sweat on his face, and looked around for Luo Luo. He believed that Luo Luo would not leave. Perhaps now Luo Luo was looking at herself somewhere in the airport. She was waiting for herself to find herself.

“Sister Luo? Sister Luo!” Huo Ran ran around, calling Luo Luo’s name.

It’s just that there was no response at all, and the people around him dispersed faster and faster. Like flowing water, Huo Ran couldn’t find Lolo’s people at all.

For two full hours, when the last cleaning aunt left at the airport, Huo Ran could only sit limply on the bench at the airport. Luo Luo really left, almost without warning, and even asked herself to send her off. There is no chance.

Although I didn’t mean to cry, Huo Ran’s tears just couldn’t stop falling, and Huo Ran couldn’t control it at all.

On the first day of the New Year, Huo Ran was having dinner at Wang Shiya’s home. Wang Shiya didn’t know what happened to Huo Ran. Since the end of the year, it has been weird and the vicissitudes of life have been a lot. She has asked several times, but Huo Ran Always say nothing.

Wang Yongjiang knows what’s going on, because Huo Ran may have really liked Luo Luo before. Luo Luo’s sudden departure made it hard for him to accept. It’s just that this kind of thing is seen through but not broken, and men have this process. .

Isn’t there such a saying? The person who married you last is not the one you love the most.

“Huo Ran, what to drink, “?” Wang Yongjiang looked at Huo Ran and smiled.

“I can do it, try my best to accompany you.” Huo Ran politely said.


Su Ran’s cell phone rang suddenly, and Huo Ran was so excited that he almost didn’t jump out. Originally thought it was from Luo Luo, it turned out to be a pop-up message from a hot search.

“Surprise! Li Chaoyue is about to join Huangtian Entertainment?”

Looking at this news, Li Chaoyue, Huangtian Entertainment?

Yes, I have been thinking about Luoluo the past few days, and I have almost forgotten Yan Jinxin’s purpose in coming to his company. Wang Shiya and Wang Yongjiang also saw the news.

Huo Ran closed his eyes, his brain was running fast, Li Chaoyue betrayed himself? This is absolutely impossible.

Li Chaoyue was wrong in that way before, and he forgave him. Whether it is public or private, or reason, Li Chaoyue has no reason to betray him.

Before Huo Ran could ask Li Chaoyue, Li Chaoyue first called.

Huo Ran made a gesture of silence, signaled everyone to stop talking, and answered the phone: “. “Beyond, what’s the matter?”

Huo Ran didn’t panic even after encountering such a big event. He didn’t even change his tone. Sometimes Wang Yongjiang admired Huo Ran. This is, if he put it on his head, he would have been anxious. But Huo Ran can’t be surprised. With this courage, it is not a lung that can be compared to ordinary people.

Li Chaoyue was still terrified, but after hearing Huo Ran’s tone, he let go and said: “Huo Ran, do you know all about the hot searches?,

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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