Chapter 945 Found it (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

At this time, Huo Ran looked at Wang Chenkun with a look of anger, and without a word, he blasted over with a punch.

If it was before, Wang Chenkun would definitely fight back, but now, Wang Chenkun dare not, because he is wrong and can’t move while sitting on the ground.

Huo Ran also ignored him, went directly to the bedroom, turned on the light, and Lolo was lying on the bed with tears in his eyes and bruises on his arms because of the long-term binding.

For three days, Luo Luo has been tied up, and there is no chance of going out “Nine Seven Three”. Wang Chenkun has been watching her all the time.

“Lolo, Lolo.” Huo Ran called Lolo softly.

Wang Shiya also heard Huo Ran’s name for Luo Luo. Huo Ran, who usually calls Luo Luo sister Luo, now changed to Luo Luo.

It’s just that Wang Shiya didn’t say anything. Instead, she had been watching Wang Chenkun for fear that Wang Chenkun would run away. It is not time to be jealous now.

Hearing someone calling his name, Lolo wanted to open his eyes.

But after opening it several times, I couldn’t open it. Even if I moved it, it was an extravagant hope. This is a symptom of overdose.

Wang Chenkun realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly followed out. He never thought of doing something illegal. Everything was the idea of ​​Yan Jinxin. He just did it to return to the entertainment industry.

Jiangcheng No. 1 Hospital ran to the emergency department holding Luo Luo, the nurse saw that he was rushing to the emergency department, and hurriedly took Luo Luo.

“He needs gastric lavage.”

“Thank you, we will do it after we check it.”

“Direct gastric lavage!”

The tone of restraint was not tolerable at all, and he stared at the nurse straightforwardly. The nurse looked at Huo Ran’s eyes. The secret way was scary, and he didn’t dare to say anything. He pushed Lolo and walked directly over.

Why didn’t Luo Luo go abroad? Why was it in Wang Chenkun’s hands? Huo Ran didn’t know all of this. When Luo Luo was pushed into the rescue room, Huo Ran let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Chenkun was standing behind, and he didn’t even dare to walk up, because Huo Ran’s eyes were so scary, it made people feel scared. Originally, Wang Chenkun was afraid of Huo Ran, let alone now.

But Wang Chenkun didn’t take the initiative to come up. Huo Ran had some questions to ask him. He rushed over to Wang Chenkun and frightened Wang Chenkun. He hurriedly stood upright against the wall, waiting for Huo Ran’s instructions.

“What the hell is going on?” Huo Ran’s tone was calm, but the calmer Huo Ran, the more scared Wang Chenkun was.

Before Wang Chenkun could speak, his cell phone rang. It was a call from Yan Jinxin.

Wang Chenkun took out his cell phone, looked at Huo Ran, and only connected the call with the latter’s consent.

“Where have you been? Where’s that bitch Luo Luo?” Yan Jinxin was rude on the phone, and did not remember at all, it was the bitch in her mouth that took her into the entertainment circle.

If it weren’t for Luo Luo and Dian Ran’s digging, Yan Jinxin would never have entered the entertainment circle, let alone go to this level.

“Don’t you think it’s unsafe, let me change places? I took him to other places, and I will tell you when I settle down.” Wang Chenkun said impatiently.

Obviously, Yan Jinxin didn’t hear anything unusual in Wang Chenkun’s words, so he gave an acknowledgment and decisively made the call.

Xiaojie only told Lolo 1.7’s address on the phone. As for the others, Xiaojie didn’t know it, but it didn’t matter anymore. Wang Chenkun, one of his accomplices, was right in front of him.

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