Chapter 970 Previous agreement (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“Seriously, starting tomorrow, preparing for your new album “The First Love Song” has been delayed a lot of time. We must find the time back. I invite you to the best foreign team, Liu Teacher Hong sits down, is it okay? “Lolo looked at the timetable, this was all contacted years ago.

Don’t worry about anything else, it’s that this production team is the best in the world, and many singers in this production lineup will never expect it for a lifetime.

“But I haven’t recorded the “Nine Nine Zero” song.”

“Don’t worry, there is a tuner in the team. After all, this is not a live singing, you can tune it.”

“But I want to really sing.”

“It’s for you to really sing! But when you sell an album, you have to give your fans the best, right? Otherwise, what fans spend money to collect is your mistake? Right.” Luo Luo explained.

This Huo Ran, sometimes very mature, sometimes very childish.

Tap, tap!

There was a sound of high heels, and then, Wang Shiya’s voice appeared. What made Huo Ran strange is that Wang Shiya asked for leave? Why did she come to the company again.

“Shiya, why are you here.” Huo Ran opened the door, looked at Wang Shiya, and asked.

“I can’t come to the company yet?” Wang Shiya looked at Huo Ran and asked rhetorically.

Everyone has selfish intentions. Wang Shiya knows that Luo Luo is back to work today, how could she not come? Regardless of work factors, Wang Shiya does not want Huo Ran to live with Luo Luo.

“I didn’t mean that.” Huo Ran explained hurriedly.

“I have something to do with Sister Luo, come out.” Wang Shiya pushed Huo Ran away. Originally, Huo Ran wanted to ask what was wrong, but after seeing Wang Shiya’s tone, Huo Ran gave up and walked away.

With a bang, Wang Shiya slammed the office door to death.

Luo Luo was signing Wang Chenkun’s contract. He was startled when he heard the door slamming. He raised his head hurriedly and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Shiya.

“Shiya, Huo Ran said you were sick today, did you feel better?” Luo Luo said with concern.

“It’s okay, Xie Luo sister relationship.” Wang Shiya pulled out the chair, sat down, and said: “Sister Luo still remember the agreement between us when I first came?”


Luo Luo frowned, thinking back to Wang Shiya when she first came, it seemed that this happened.She still remembered that Wang Shiya had to have financial power when she first came.At the time, she remembered that she promised that as long as Wang Shiya can survive a month, she will Give her the financial power of the company, but she did not expect that Wang Shiya still remembers this incident

In fact, Wang Shiya also forgot. This is all Wang Yongjiang’s reminder. Wang Shiya has sacrificed too much for Huo Ran. It is not for other reasons to control the financial power, but to stay with Huo Ran for a while and have more opportunities to contact. .

Now that Huo Ran and Luo Luo live together, Wang Shiya has suffered.

“Can you tell me why you have to manage finances?” Luo Luo is not a foolish person. She has already prepared the ledger, but he wants to know what Wang Shiya does.

“You can spend more time with Huo Ran. Sister Luo, you also know our current relationship.” Wang Shiya told the truth.

1.7 Luo Luo was stunned. This Wang Shiya is really like a different person today, even her personality has changed. The previous Wang Shiya was neither arrogant nor arrogant, and generous.

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