Chapter 976 No flaws at all (see monthly ticket for full order)

“Eat some, so late, so far, why don’t you say a word when you come? I’ll pick you up.” Huo Ran said with concern.

It takes more than five hours from Jiangcheng to Jiangdu. It’s such a long road, a girl, driving, such a long road, how dangerous it is.

“Sorry, I just want to be with you. I didn’t expect to cause trouble for you. I would not come if I knew it.” Wang Shiya sobbed.

Did not cry, just felt sorry Huo Ran, a little bit self-blaming, lowered his head and did not speak.

Seeing Wang Shiya like this, Huo Ran couldn’t help but feel distressed. I didn’t expect that this girl would be like this. Wang Shiya was not like this at the time.

Thinking of this, Huo Ran smiled, rubbing Wang Shiya’s little head, and said with a smile: “Let’s eat something, do you want me to feed you? I didn’t say anything about you, what do you have to blame for!”

After Huo Ran finished speaking, seeing Wang Shiya still not speaking, she fell into a sluggish waist, and continued: “It’s a good day. I thought I had to stay here for a week. I didn’t expect my girlfriend to come. It really made me happy. Ah, don’t go, stay with me.”

“Hate, who will be with you!” Wang Shiya blushed and picked up the bread.

She is really hungry. Fortunately, Huo Ran is not the kind of person who has no conscience and didn’t blame herself. Otherwise, she would really be sad.

Just about to speak, Liu Hong came up and coughed twice. He didn’t go in. The heart-wrenching young man had a very vigorous experience. If he was hit by a good thing, he shouldn’t be ashamed and cough twice. Huo Ran soon understood what Mean?

Sure enough, Huo Ran came out of the room in less than a minute, less than ten minutes before and after.

Liu Hong pushed his glasses and looked at Huo Ran, with a look of concern: “It’s over?”

“Well, let’s go down.”

Looking at Huo Ran’s back, Liu Hong shook his head. This child’s kidneys are not very good, so I have to find a Chinese medicine doctor for him when I look back, and help him rub some Liuwei Dihuang pills to supplement him. I am a master, but I have done my best. Help him think about everything.

Munch had eaten five breads before Huo Ran came down, but now Munch’s anger has disappeared a lot, otherwise Huo Ran is really enough to drink a pot.

“Monk, let’s start.” Huo Ran walked directly into the studio and put on his headphones.

Wang Shiya had dinner and walked down. She hasn’t heard Huo Ran’s song yet. Of course he has to come and listen to it.

At this time, Huo Ran resumed his previous state, waiting for the accompaniment to arrive.

Munch has re-entered his work status. It is now one o’clock in the morning. No one has such a good energy to stay up late. Everyone’s goal is to achieve it all at once.

“Take everything you want, I will take the rest, and leave our dog behind.”

With almost no flaws, Huo Ran completed the singing. This is all the credit accumulated over such a long time. Huo Ran’s singing skills are already close to the status of a first-line singer.

Munch didn’t expect it to go so smoothly. The whole song, only the chorus, he 993 started, because in the chorus, Huo Ran entered the beat as quickly as possible, and he needs his help to move to the right. Other problems are all no.

It didn’t take ten minutes in total. It was over. Huo Ran looked at Munch OK’s expression and smiled triumphantly. He didn’t even think that he could do it all at once.

Now it’s not just Lucas, even Munch has taken Huo Ran’s eye on Huo Ran.

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