Chapter 979 Really play poker (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Huo Ran was taken aback, Wang Shiya was still asleep and did not call her, simply washed her face and went down alone.

Everyone was eating breakfast, and all the fools guessed what Huo Ran did last night, but they didn’t say it.

Lucas looked at Huo Ran’s haggard look, gave a smirk, walked forward and threw a piece of bread to Huo Ran: “Brother, can you shoot today?”

“Of course it can.” Huo Ran didn’t know what was wrong, and suddenly asked such a sentence.

But when he turned his head and saw Munch snickered, he knew what was going on. He rolled his eyes: “Don’t get me wrong, we didn’t do anything last night, it’s just that we played poker together too late. That’s it.”

“Yes, you are right. Lucas and I also played poker last night.” Munch gave another smirk.

Huo Ran rolled his eyes and didn’t bother to explain to you. At this time, Wang Shiya turned over, and what was under her body was really poker.


Today’s weather is much better than yesterday. With the sun, it’s different. It’s warm. Huo Ran doesn’t need to jump into the lake anymore. The shooting is normal, and the progress is fast. Huo Ran has Qianqian to help, no matter what it is. The bridge section is almost always once, and occasionally there is a laugh ~ scene, only to take a few more times.

Wang Shiya went back early in the morning, saying that Li Chaoyue’s funds were not enough, and she needed to go back to approve the funds, and everyone began to film nervously.

The shooting process was very smooth. Seven days passed and no accidents happened. Liu Hong was very satisfied with the quality of the album.

“Huo Ran, you are so talented, why do you want to take pictures.” Munch sat beside Huo Ran, drinking beer.

After being in contact for a day and a half, he didn’t know, Huo Ran is so good, how can he make so many black materials? According to his character, this is not what he did.

“Why are you so interested in photos? I said it has nothing to do with me, you still don’t believe it.” Huo Ran muttered.

He had not only said this to Munch, he also said to He Luoluo, he did not do it himself, but there was no way they could not believe it when the photo was there. In fact, He Luoluo had already confirmed it.

Those photos are all real, but they were taken by Huo Ran before. Now Huo Ran tells them that he doesn’t know that they were all made by Huo Ran before, and they didn’t believe it.

In that way, wouldn’t I become a lunatic? Forget it, it’s a thing of the past anyway, and Lu Zhabiao has also left. Sooner or later, this matter will be watered down.

“I am very interested in you now.

…Please ask for flowers………

“Come on, I’m a normal man.” Huo Ran got up, gurgled and drank a sip of wine, and barbecued on the ice lake. It was a kind of enjoyment.

He Luoluo also drank a lot. Huo Ran’s first album was over. She was also very happy. After all, Huo Ran is her artist, and being able to grow up to this day also represents her ability.

Liu Hong walked over with a beer. She was sorry for He Luoluo. She didn’t do this thing herself. She didn’t help He Luoluo and Huo Ran. It’s not that she didn’t want to, but that she didn’t think it was necessary, Liu Hong. Who knows why Luo Luo and Huo Ran will get along with each other successfully, who knows how to kill Wang Shiya.

“Don’t regret it?” Liu Hong said.

“What do you regret?” He Luoluo was a little puzzled, and asked rhetorically.

In fact, He Luoluo knew what Liu Hong was talking about, but she wanted to pretend to be confused. Now He Luoluo just wants to seal her heart and lock her love and avoid this problem, at least on the surface.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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