Chapter 981 I have something to do (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

After listening to Liu Hong’s persuasion, He Luoluo also made up his mind. No matter what Huo Ran chooses, she must let Huo Ran know her own mind. Even if she didn’t choose her in the end, she won’t regret it.

Otherwise, even He Luoluo would regret it if he gave up in a hurry without knowing his own mind.

Thinking of this, He Luoluo also walked up. Huo Ran and Munch were drinking happily at this time. If there were other things, He Luoluo would just say it, but she was also embarrassed about this matter.

Stepped forward and pulled Huo Ran at 12: “Come here, I have something to tell you.”

“Huh?” Huo Ran was taken aback for a moment, and then relieved. Since he let himself go with her, there must be something important without delay, so he hurried to follow.

Munch and Lucas laughed and continued to drink beer.

The two walked all the way to the pavilion behind. Huo Ran was really familiar with this pavilion. When he first came to find Feng Liang, it was in this pavilion. Feng Liang threw away his script and jumped down to fish it. The script, this pavilion still has a deep impression of Huo Ran.

Huo Ran did it and said with a smile: “Sister Luo, come to me so late, what’s the matter?”

“I called you so late, there must be something.” It was not He Luoluo’s voice, but the voice of a man, which reached Huo Ran’s ears.

Looking back hurriedly, a group of big guys covered their faces, and one took a baseball bat. Huo Ran was taken aback. At first, he thought it was a prank by He Luoluo, but after looking at their eyes, Huo Ran realized that something was wrong. NS.

This is not right. Didn’t He Luoluo find something wrong with herself? How could there be these people.

“Sister Luo, these?” Huo Ran pointed to these big guys. He Luoluo couldn’t find it.

“I don’t know?” He Luoluo also regretted it. She really didn’t know what was going on. She came to Huo Ran to express her feelings. She didn’t know where these people came from, but from the face of it. Look, these people are not good people.

“Sister Luo, don’t worry, it’s Huo Ran, we will definitely help you out.” The leading man laughed.

This time, it was the person Wang Chenxi found. Wang Chenxi was not a general, and the person she found was not a clumsy person.

Don’t look at the thick man’s length, but his thoughts are very fine. Through the expressions of He Luoluo and Huo Ran, he guessed what was going on.

After listening to the big man, I regretted it, how could it be possible?

If there is anyone in this world who will not betray him, it is He Luoluo. Huo Ran has never believed that He Luoluo will betray him. Why did He Luoluo find these people?

“Sister Luo? You.”

“Don’t listen to him talking nonsense, I don’t know what’s going on, run!”

Involuntarily speaking, Hololuo pulled Huo Ran and ran. It’s all this time. What are you doing in a daze? Just ran away. If you don’t run at this time, when will you run.

997 “Chasing!”

To the west of the pavilion is the back mountain of Jiangdu. The back mountain of Jiangdu is used for tourism in summer, but it is not open to the public in winter.

Because of the special weather in Jiangcheng, there will be a lot of snow on the mountains in winter. This amount of snow cannot be cleaned by ordinary people, which is a big expense.

The boss of Jiangdu does make a lot of money a year, but who has less spare money?

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