Chapter 985 Give you a slap first

Oops, I was more than 200 meters away from the sewer entrance, and Pan Ge was less than 20 meters away from me, even if I was Bolt.

If you run out of your life, you may be able to run out, but they will definitely find out. Then you will be stunned. Then what should be done if Li Longye ran away?Isn’t he discovering such a good shocking melon in vain?

He Luoluo had already gone up.

Just “zero zero zero” when Huo Ran was still hesitating, Pan Ge and the little man had already walked in front of Huo Ran.

“Who are you?” Pan Ge pointed to Huo Ran, alert.

This is the back mountain of Jiangdu. In winter, no one came at all. For this reason, they would only start work in winter. It has been three or four years since this has been done. No one has ever been here before. How can it be today? Suddenly someone?

Thinking of this, Pan Ge tightly holds the pickaxe in his hand. As long as he finds that Huo Ran is sneaking in to steal something, Pan Ge will not hesitate, it must be a pickaxe to shave his face, this is the boss of Jiangdu It doesn’t matter if Li Longye gave him the rights, it doesn’t matter if he is killed, he will be compensated with money, but nothing can be revealed here.

The little worker behind Pan Ge also tightly held the shovel in his hand. When necessary, a shovel shaved his face.

Huo Ran also felt the embarrassment of the atmosphere, and the murderous aura that came out of Brother Pan. This is not a joke. With such a small tunnel, he can’t escape at all. .

But Huo Ran didn’t panic either, instead he burst into laughter.

If Huo Ran panicked, it would be easy to handle, but Huo Ran’s smile, but he regretted Brother Pan. What does this smile mean?

“What are you laughing at? Boy, who are you, be polite with Laozi, or I will”


There was almost no sign. Huo Ran slapped Pan Ge’s face with a slap. This slap was stunned for Pan Ge, and the tears came down. Who is this god, he came to his own territory. , It’s fine if you don’t be nervous or afraid. You just slap yourself when you come up. I’ve been here for such a long time, and I haven’t experienced this.

“Why are you hitting me?” Pan Ge cried, covering his face, looking at Huo Ran.

Huo Ran didn’t speak, his face was sullen, not because of anything else, but simply because he didn’t know what to say, and now he is also dumbfounded.

However, he knows a truth. People like Pan Ge are usually bullying and fearing hard work. Dealing with such people cannot be polite with him. If you beat him, he will be over. Even if you beat him, he will not fight back. I have to think about who you are

This is the situation now, Pan Ge doesn’t know where Huo Ran is sacred, how can he be so horizontal?

“Brother Pan, he is Huo Ran.” The worker behind Pan recognizes Huo Ran.

Brother Pan is over forty. Most people at this age are struggling. They don’t have time to watch any variety shows or chase stars. Naturally, he doesn’t know Huo Ran, but he has heard of Huo Ran.

Who is Kai Ran? Jiangcheng’s number one streamer, the upper-class figure, has always been domineering and defiant. When he was entertaining at Huangtian 1.8, even if Li Longye saw Huo Ran, he had to be polite, let alone his own Li Longye. No one is watching.

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