Chapter 987 Professional Flicker (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Huo Ran raised his eyebrows and paid secretly: “I have eaten all the roast chicken. If I don’t accompany someone for a drink, wouldn’t it be too much?”

“Besides, I still have a lot of questions to ask Brother Pan, how many shares Li Longye owns in this illegal underground collection, I have to ask them clearly, all of which will be evidence in the future.

Thinking of this, Huo Ran and Lao Pan had a drink. Seeing Lao Pan’s face flattered, he almost didn’t laugh, but he wanted to laugh, his face couldn’t be laughed, he had to look serious.

“Old Pan, according to grade, I have to call you Pan Brother.

“Don’t dare to be, don’t dare to be.”

“You’re welcome!

Seeing the modest appearance of the old Pan, Huo Ran looked impatient: “In fact, we are all the same. We all work for our boss Li. Are you right? But if you are part-time working, you must have a superior, right? Li Longye It’s my superior, but I’m not happy.”

When Brother Pan heard this, he immediately became energetic, unhappy with Li Longye?

There are too many people who are unhappy with Li Longye. Huo Ran shouldn’t. According to the truth, Huo Ran is a celebrity around Li Longye. Whether it is money or status, it is incomparable to others. Is he still happy?

“Huo Ran, you can’t talk nonsense about this, boss Li is very good to us,”.

“Not bad? Damn it! You like to lick Li Longye and get out and lick it, how is he treating you?”

Huo Ran looked drunk and continued: “I tell you, what is a good boss? If he eats a bite, we won’t be hungry. What about now? He Li Longye made a profit from the richest man in Jiangcheng, and he gave us points. How much did it cost?”

As soon as Huo Ran said this, Pan also gritted his teeth. After so long, someone finally said what he felt. From this look, Huo Ran is also a lover of personality.

He has already climbed to his position, and he can still think of benefiting his brothers. There are really not many such good people.

“Dianran, my soulmate!” Old Pan burst into tears through his nose.

He Luoluo finally understood what was going on. It turned out that this industry belonged to Li Longye. Huo Ran knew what was going on, so he took out his mobile phone secretly and started recording.

“Brother Pan, do you know what a real good boss is? A good boss is not that he makes money on his own, making you front-line people hungry!” Huo Ran shook his head.

“Huo Ran, it’s been so long, only if you dare to tell the truth, you big brother, I’m sure.

“Nan Ran, I just ask you to help us brothers like a few words in front of Boss Li. We don’t usually see Boss Li.” Old Pan shook Huo Ran’s hand and pleaded for zero.

They see Huo Ran now as if they saw a savior.

I suppressed the secret opportunity, and finally took the bait. I was just waiting for their words. Old Pan was also a shrewd person.

But in fact, his brain is very smart, as long as he said a word wrong, he will find out at any time.

*. “Don’t look at my temper a bit weird, but I actually rely on evidence to speak, why can I change to the way I am now by Li Longye’s side?”

“Because I pay attention to seeking truth from facts, if there is anything, everyone sits together one (of) fifty to ten and tells it clearly, there is no such thing as now.”

Huo Ran paused, shook the white wine in the glass, and continued: “It’s just a sentence to help you improve your salary.

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