Chapter 991 Stopped me again (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

He Luoluo shook his muddled head, took the water that Huo Ran handed over, took a sip, and the delay was terribly delayed.Today is the day to leave Jiangdu. Jiangdu’s expenses are too high, even if it is rich, It can’t be so spoiled, it’s not.

“I went back to the company today, and now Teacher Liu Hong is waiting, right?”

“Don’t worry, you pack up slowly.” Liu Hong’s voice came in from the door.

Both people were startled, Liu Hong was actually at the door? Could it be that she had been eavesdropping all the time.

In fact, this was purely a coincidence. Liu Hong wanted to see what happened to He Luoluo. When she came here, she just heard them talking. He might have to tell some secrets later.

If I go in to be an electric light bulb at this time, isn’t it a person from Geying? Liu Hong is a visionary. She would never do this kind of thing.

Just when He Luoluo mentioned his name, he just bubbling and proving that he was still alive. As for other things, it really didn’t matter.

“In an hour, the convoy will set off back to Jiangcheng, so please hurry up.” After Liu Hong finished speaking, he coughed twice and went downstairs.

Listening to the sound of the moment when going down the stairs, Huo Ran can be sure that Liu Hong is going down.

Since it was all right, don’t waste time here. After tidying up the things, the two went downstairs. Lucas and Munch are the planes returning to Europe today. Huo Ran has to go to the airport to see them off.

After all, this time I helped Dianran a lot, so I must know how to be grateful.

When I went downstairs, the convoy had already drove out, one after another seven vehicles, but five of them were all transporting equipment. Just as they were about to leave Jiangdu, a group of big men appeared.

Huo Ran still remembers those big guys with blue noses and swollen faces. Huo Ran still remembers them. This group of people is the same group of people who bet on him last night. On the way, isn’t this crazy?

Liu Hong didn’t know what was going on. He pushed his glasses. Before he could speak, Huo Ran came over, looking at the group of big men, frowning.

When the leader saw Huo Ran coming, he almost died of anger. They brought people to Jiang and came to fight Huo Ran. It’s hard to imagine that Huo Ran didn’t hit him. Instead, he was beaten by Huo Ran. A meal.

I didn’t make any money right now, and I was beaten. Is that okay?

Liu Hong didn’t speak, she didn’t know what was going on, let alone what these people were here for, but seeing these people had a swollen nose and had a holiday with Huo Ran.

Compared with yesterday, this group of people have no more injured sticks. They look good, they are full of anger, and they want to carry on the pity to the end.

“Huo Ran, we waited for you all night, you finally came out, after all, what do you want.” The big man pointed at Huo Ran and said.

Asking him to ask this question, he really asked Huo Ran what he wanted?

“Who are you?” Huo Ran asked back.

This question really is what Huo Ran wants to ask.This group of people had to beat themselves when they met last night, but they don’t even know who they are. Is this a bit ridiculous?

Originally, Huo Ran wanted to find out who they were when he went back. Now it’s all right, and it takes no time and effort. This group of people came to the door by themselves.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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