Chapter 993 Negotiation (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

When Huo Ran heard it, Wang Chenxi? This shouldn’t be.

Although he has no friendship with Wang Chenxi, he is already very good to Wang Chenkun. He is repaying his grievances with virtue, and he is talking about himself. If he is like this, Wang Chenxi can still find someone to beat him like this? This is really incredible.

But Huo Ran always felt something abnormal. Could it be that Wang Chenxi was in contact with the person who attacked him the last two times? He was not sure, squatting down and holding the big man’s chin: “Wang Chenxi and he sent you?”

“I don’t know Huo Ran, I’m just a little brother who runs errands. How could I know this problem, but when Wang Chenxi signed the contract, he said that Boss 003 will not treat himself badly.” The big man explained.

Boss Li, it really is Li Longye, I should have thought about it a long time ago, what is the relationship between Wang Chenxi and Li Longye’s younger brother Li Longting? I broke their good deeds, and their hearts naturally held grudges. This intricate relationship is just like a storyteller. .

Li Longye!

Huo Ran gritted his teeth. It really helped me. I just found out your secret last night. I didn’t have a chance to negotiate with you. Now it’s okay. You took the initiative to provoke me.

“Sister Luo, follow me to Royal Sky Entertainment, Master, Lucas and Munch will leave it to you.” Huo Ran threw a word and got on the car.

Judging from Huo Ran’s tone, he was really angry, otherwise, his character would definitely not go to Li Longye directly.

“Huo Ran, give me money.”

“Go away!

In such a moment, the big man never thought that Huo Ran’s eyes would be so sharp, even scary.

He Luoluo didn’t delay either. He got on the car and it took five hours to get to Royal Sky Entertainment from here, but Huo Ran’s current speed is very fast, and it doesn’t take five hours at all.

“Huo Ran, are you really going to find Li Longye?” He Luoluo was a little worried. This is not a joke. If you go to Li Longye at this time, you must tell what happened last night.

Once you tell what happened last night, there are two results. Either Li Longye is subdued, or Li Longye decides to die. (bcbi) such consequences are not something Huo Ran as an artist can bear.

He Luoluo worked under Li Longye for three years. If it were not for Li Longye’s trust, He Luoluo would not have reached the current level. She knew Li Longye very well.

Compared with money and power, Li Longye cares more about his own face. If Huo Ran is really aggressive, Li Longye will definitely not care about money. Even with so much money, maybe Li Longye will play with Huo Ran in the end. .

As long as Li Longye thinks, he can instantly cut off all the resources of Luofan Media. Huangtian Entertainment is the top three big company in Jiangcheng.

Between Li Longye and Huo Ran, almost everyone would not choose Huo Ran. At that time, it would be called every day and the earth would not work.

“Of course, this old fly is annoying and ruthless, it can’t hide, don’t move him down, it’s endless.” Huo Ran replied angrily.

“Do you know what you are talking about?”

He Luoluo was all surprised. Originally, he thought that Huo Ran was only going to warn Li Longye, but now it seems that it is not the case at all. Huo Ran wants to move Li Longye down, which is simply impossible.

Li Longye has been in Jiangcheng for so many years, there are not a few people who have offended him, and there are countless people who want to remove him.

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