Chapter 999 Inoue Hiroji (seeking monthly pass for full order)

It can be heard that he really knows some inside information, but he is not sure, can Huo Ran really get on line with Inoue Hiroji?

If he could, Huo Ran would be able to lay off himself with just one sentence. This was not blown out, because Li Longye was not familiar with Inoue Hiroji. He only met one side. I vaguely remember that at the time, Inoue Hiroji just glanced at himself. He didn’t even say anything. For Inoue Hiroji, he was working for him, but his salary was higher.

The most important point is that Inoue Hiroshi didn’t even know about the 1.6 billion yuan. This was all taken down by Li Longye with all his strength, and he didn’t know anything about it.

If Huo Ran breaks this matter, won’t he cut off his own money?

“You can really reach Hiroji Inoue.”

“His number is 54117, am I right?” Huo Ran opened his eyes, his eyes full of confidence.

It was so scared that Li Longye hurriedly took out his mobile phone. Is it better than the call to Inoue Hiruji? There is no mistake at all! What Huo Ran said turned out to be true. He can really contact Inoue Hiruji, which is troublesome.

From the look in Li Longye’s eyes, Huo Ran could see that he was really scared. Needless to say, he had already won this trick of his own.

The rest is easy to handle, as long as Li Longye is softened, he won’t bother himself again until Inoue Hongji really appears.

“Huo Ran, do you really just want to reconcile with me?” Li Longye looked at Huo Ran, worried.

“Of course, I said, I was trained by you. Huo Ran is not a white-eyed wolf. As long as you reconcile with me, I will forget about this. You know, I am not a greedy person.” Huo Ran’s-attitude is also very sincere.

I am in a hurry and bite people. If Li Longye really just got on with myself and I don’t need the money, I can’t do anything about it, let alone that I don’t have the ability to contact Inoue Hiroji.

Huo Ran is now Huo, flicker Li Longye, then he succeeded.

It’s just that even though he thought so in his heart, he didn’t show it on his face at all, and he still had a domineering look, just like this, it completely defeated Li Longye.

“Nan Ran, I am really moved when you can say this. I didn’t expect that you are such a generous person. I am convinced by Li Longye!” Li Longye said, standing up, his expression moved. .

This expression wasn’t a pretense, but was really moved. He had known that Huo Ran was domineering and defiant, but this kind of person was often the ultimate affection.

…Please ask for flowers………

Before Huo Ran left Huangtian Entertainment, he was not too bad to him. Basically all the good things were given to Huo Ran, and then he returned to Huo Ran’s generosity to himself today.

Don’t say anything, took Huo Ran’s hand and went out.

Seeing the two people holding hands, Li Wei, Wang Chenxi, and He Luoluo all regretted it.


“Come here all, come here all!” Li Longye roared.

Soon, on the first floor of Huangtian Entertainment, a large group of people gathered and looked up at Li Longye. Normally, Li Longye has major events to be announced. This time, it should be no exception.

He Luoluo also knew this habit of Li Longye. It seemed that Huo Ran really gotten him.

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