As Bai Chen said one sentence after another.

At the scene, a silent needle dropped on the ground can be heard.

And Mrs. Liang at the moment.

With his head down, his eyes filled with disbelief… And fear!

How did Bai Chen know this?

What followed was Bai Chen’s faint voice.

“This matter is not a secret.”

“But there is a very strange point~”

“The official director of Zhuyuan Building Materials is called: Wang Jixiang! That’s right? ”

The smiling Bai Chen turned his head and looked at Mrs. Liang.

Immediately, he continued to say to himself.

“This matter, strange is strange!”

“This Wang Jixiang has an older brother named Wang Tianhao.”

“I heard that this Wang Tianhao is very handsome.”

“Moreover, nine years ago, I met a Mrs. Kuo in the entertainment industry.”

“But these news, it can really be said that it is chasing the wind, and there is no evidence at all.”

“But, in the rumors.”

“This Wang Tianhao, after getting to know this Mrs. Kuo, the life is called a flourish.”

“Even, he set up his own private company…”

“Isn’t this very weird? Mrs. Leung? ”

“You say, is there a possibility…”

Bai Chen looked at it with a smile and lowered his head at the moment.

Without saying a word, Mrs. Liang was full of fear.

And Mrs. Liang at the moment.

Caught in some kind of memory.

Her lips twitched.

“Don’t… You don’t say it. ”

“This thing… I do not know. ”

“I really don’t know…”

Next second.

Bai Chen’s expression was cold, and his right hand was directly thrown hard.

In his hand, the delicate glass fell directly to the ground.

Sound a “Bang! “There was a loud bang.

Mrs. Liang, who was startled by this loud noise.

Immediately came to his senses.

In his eyes, he looked at Bai Chen with fear.

In the next second, Bai Chen roared angrily.

“Liang Yuhua!”

“You relied on beauty when you were young.”

“Don’t hesitate to be a junior, climb the mountain Chairman Jiahe: Zhu Tian’s bed!!”

“I thought I could live my life in peace.”

“But I didn’t think that you couldn’t give birth to a child and was abandoned by Zhu Tian!”

“On the surface, I only left you an identity, but in fact, you don’t see each other once a year!”

“Right? Am I right? ”

“You husband and wife, keep your love outside, and behind your back!”

“Nine years ago, you met Wang Tianhao’s little white face! He encourages you to take control of the company yourself! ”

“You did!”

“But during this period, you used your identity as a shareholder of your company, joined forces with Wang Tianhao, and signed a contract that you would have lost money without authorization, which caused Jiahe a contract of at least 300 million!!!

“Do you know what this behavior of yours is called?! Yes?! ”

“Do you know how many years you will be sentenced to illegally misappropriating the property of a company, enterprise, institution or other unit? Well?! ”

“Also, if your husband knows that you did these things in private.”

“Guess what, will he get you out of prison alive? Well? Mrs. Leung! ”

As Bai Chen’s last words came out.

Mrs. Leung at the moment.

Straight legs are soft.

Directly frightened soft!


This matter was indeed done by her joint lover…

Because, even if she entered the company, but the shares….

It’s true…… Not much!

On the surface, she looks beautiful and is the chairman’s wife.

But, her husband, prevent her… Be more careful than the thief…

The scenery on the surface, the money behind it… It is impossible to stand up to her extravagant flowers.

So…… She thought of this trick.

Jean Wang Tianhao’s younger brother set up a building materials company.

Immediately, in the company’s tender.

She uses her power.

Let his younger brother win the bid.

In three years, a total of nearly 300 million funds were made!!

This project, big or not?

To be honest, for the size of Jiahe, it is really not big!

But are those people in the company fools?

Just watch the final project end, and don’t investigate?

It’s not….

The real reason is.

Her husband, the chairman of Jiahe Company, has long let it go!

And she, Mrs. Leung, is the authority within her own company.

The contract was signed without authorization.

In the end, the project ended and Wang Tianhao’s younger brother went to prison.

Although there is something wrong with her.

But the other shareholders couldn’t find proof.

Moreover, who dares to investigate the chairman’s wife in Jiahe?

Therefore, everyone also turned a blind eye, after all, it was not their own money that was lost.

In the end, this matter did not reach the chairman at all!

Therefore, she happened to hide this matter.

However, this behavior of hers.

It’s real… Crime!

Moreover, economic crime!

If her husband, knowing that she was behind her back, did such a thing.

The consequences can be imagined.

In the end, what will she face?

How could she not be afraid?

At this moment, Mrs. Liang was sitting on the ground.

The whole person is like losing his soul.

Bai Chen… How the hell did he know about this?

Base…… Doesn’t make sense?



Brothers, it’s cool to watch, bring me some flowers, get some motivation brothers

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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