For the song “Tears of the Dancing Girls”.

It seems that Xue Zhixian is really fascinated.

He sang it directly, despite his unfamiliarity with the song.

[Is this fate, destined to live in that dust for the rest of his life].

[Dancing and shaking, hugging and hugging, personality has long been soaked in wine].

[Night Tango_Cha_Cha, Rumba_Rock_and_Roll].

[Who called me a dancer].

Xue Zhixian sang directly.

Even, his body swayed with it.

Although it can be heard.

He is not familiar with this song, but it does not prevent him from singing it very attentively.

Moreover, Xue Zhixian also sang hi directly, the more he sang, the louder he became, and the body language was very in place.

Such behavior.

I can’t help but make everyone happy.

“Hahaha, is Lao Xue going to laugh at me to death?”

“When I heard this song, I knew that Lao Xue would definitely like it!”

“No, Lao Xue doesn’t seem to have sung the wrong lyrics, but why does it sound different!”

“Lu Zimu sang very sadly, but Old Xue had a heartfelt joy!”

“Yes, the same lyrics, the singing of the two is a completely different feeling, this comparison is so interesting!”

“Although I am a fan of Lao Xue, I have to say that Lu Zimu’s singing voice is more flavorful!”

“I also prefer Lu Zimu’s version, that kind of sorrow and sadness, not others can sing!”

Xue Zhixiao’s “Dancing Girl Tears”.

Many viewers couldn’t help but laugh.

The same song.

When Lu Zimu sang.

Let all the audience experience a kind of sadness.

Even, many audiences are too deep into the play, and they can’t help but feel the tears they feel.

After listening.

I only feel that being a dancer is very sad and sad, and life is not easy.

But Xue Zhixi’s version is not the same feeling.

It won’t make people feel the slightest bit sad, but they can’t help but laugh.

The main thing is that the latter sings too joyfully.

So happy that people can’t feel the sadness of the dancers at all.

Here it comes.

Same lyrics.

Naturally, it’s a completely different feeling.

“Classmate Lu Zimu.”

“How do you think Teacher Xue sings?”

He Jiu asked.

Lu Zimu’s evaluation will also be a highlight.

Of course, if he can only say polite and kind words, it is naturally not attractive.

“Teacher Xue sings quite well.”

“He may not have understood the core of the song, though.”

“This song is a dancer’s tears, which interprets sadness and sadness from the perspective and mentality of a dancer.”

Lu Zimu said with a smile: “But the style that Teacher Xue sings is more like a dancer’s dream, and he also sings the joy of holding a certificate!” ”

He Jiu: “??? ”

Xue Zhi apologized: “??? ”

Audience: “??? ”

One sentence sings the joy of being licensed.

This made everyone stunned, and they all didn’t react.

After a while.

Everyone was bursting into laughter.

He Jiu had tried very hard to restrain his laughter, but he still couldn’t control his laughter.

Not to mention how joyful the audience laughed.

And Xue Zhixian was embarrassed.

Although, he knew that he was not very good at singing.

But he also didn’t expect Lu Zimu to evaluate it like this, it would be so direct.

Don’t say it’s polite.

This is already blunt to the point of overkill.

“Hahaha, dancer dream!”

“I’m drinking water, and now my laptop is in water!”

“Listening to Lao Xue singing just now, I can’t think of how to describe it, I just feel very weird, and now when I hear the dream of a dancer, there is nothing more appropriate than this!”

“Laughed at me, sang the joy of holding a certificate, Lao Xue is very yearning to be a dancer!”

“Lu Zimu’s evaluation is outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, you will feel that it is too apt!”

“I have to say that although I am an iron fan of Lao Xue, he really sings heartily, saying that he regards being a dancer as his dream!”

“Lu Zimu is really a talent, he talks so interestingly, I like him more and more!”

For Lu Zimu’s evaluation.

It really surprised everyone.

After all, they all felt that Xue Zhixian was a star promoter.

Lu Zimu is a player.

No matter what, it will still give face.

But what I didn’t expect was.

He was not angry at all, and evaluated Xue Zhi apologetically extremely sharply.

Even if Xue Zhixian sang “Dancing Girl’s Tears”, it was indeed a singing deviation.

But when hearing this assessment.

It still surprised everyone, it was too ruthless.

Especially with Xue Zhi’s apologetic face, this made everyone unable to listen.

“I’m sorry.”

“Maybe I didn’t understand the song enough.”

“I will pay more attention in the future, and I will definitely not sing the joy of being licensed again!”

Xue Zhixian was not angry.

Even, he used this evaluation to ridicule himself.

Here it comes.

The program works even better.

All the audience couldn’t help but laugh again.


“Thank you, Teacher Xue Zhixi.”

“Classmate Lu Zimu, you said that your family does not support your debut.”

He Jiu continued the interview: “Then how did you say that your family agreed to your participation in the competition?”

Lu Zimu’s life.

It will definitely be the biggest attraction of “Tomorrow’s Superstar”.

Therefore, the program team has long hinted that He Jiu must seize the opportunity to interview.

It doesn’t matter if you sing or not.

Most importantly, come out with a few more words.

And Lu Zimu’s character seems to be unscrupulous.

This is more suitable for the interview of the program, and it will definitely attract more viewers.


After He Jiu’s question.

All the audience quieted down, all looking forward to Lu Zimu’s answer.

As the heir of four hundred billion enterprises.

Lu Zimu can run out to participate in the talent show, which is indeed quite unexpected.

Such heirs.

It should have been strictly watched by the family, and it was difficult to come out and do such a faceless thing.

To this.

Lu Zimu naturally had no scruples.

Even, his answer made many people regret asking this question.


(The new book is not easy, please support all readers, ask for flowers, evaluation votes, thank you very much!!! )

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