“What’s going on with you?”

“How do you talk nonsense on stage?”

After the show ends.

Yang Mi found Lu Zimu for the first time.

For his exaggerated introduction, she was speechless to the extreme.

“Didn’t you let me introduce?”

“If you say you can’t sell miserably, I’ll listen to you all.”

“My introduction, not a word of misery, did I do it!”

Lu Zimu is very honest.

It was as if she had done everything according to Yang Mi’s instructions.


“I’m telling you not to sell miserable.”

“But I asked you to introduce yourself, not your family!”

Yang Mi was quite speechless.

He could even put the blame on himself.

These life stories were not made up by her, they were all said by himself.


“I’ll make your introduction as simple and honest as possible.”

Yang Mi continued: “But I didn’t let you say it so exaggerated, what a family property of hundreds of billions, too exaggerated!” ”

Speaking of which.

She was even more speechless.

Let Lu Zimu introduce himself.

But he only said his name on stage, and then everything else was all kinds of Versailles.

Everyone knows only his name.

Then I was shocked by his terrifying family.

This family lineage is too exaggerated.

Yang Mi couldn’t believe it would be true at all, and could only think that it was Lu Zimu’s nonsense.

“I’m very sincere.”

“Every sentence is already honest!”

Lu Zimu said innocently.

He didn’t talk nonsense at all, but no one believed it.

“Do you say I will believe it?”


Yang Mi couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

She couldn’t believe Lu Zimu’s family lineage at all.

In her opinion, how could such an exaggerated family situation be true.

“But that’s good.”

“At least, let you gain a lot of popularity, many people remember you.”

“But you can’t talk such nonsense in the future, the more you talk about it, the more likely you are to be discovered.”

Yang Mi reminded: “Once it is found to be fake, you will easily encounter backlash, and try to dilute this information in the future!” ”

To this.

Lu Zimu just shrugged.

He doesn’t care at all, and he doesn’t worry about being questioned.

Of course.

Yang Mi didn’t believe it.

He also doesn’t care, anyway, there is no impact.

Anyway, Lu Zimu has already explained honestly, and whether she believes it or not is her problem.

“There are a lot of journalists out there.”

“They’re definitely going to ask these questions.”

“You’d better figure out how to answer and don’t leave any handles.”

Yang Mi said again: “Stars need personalities, but it is best to be a real persona, not a persona that is easy to collapse, otherwise it is easy to be self-defeating!” ”


Lu Zimu nodded again.

He also knew that Yang Mi said this, also for his consideration.

These words can be regarded as her advice as a passer-by.

Yang Mi is an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry that belongs to the debut of child stars, and she has seen too many things that collapsed because of her personality.

Therefore, she didn’t want Lu Zimu to have this situation as well.


This situation is also meaningless to put on him.

After all.

Lu Zimu’s situation is very special.

Unlike other newcomers, it’s completely different.

Therefore, some experience in the entertainment industry is also completely inapplicable to him.

Collapse this kind of thing.

For other stars, it is likely to be completely finished.

But Lu Zimu wouldn’t care about this kind of thing.

What’s more, he is not a standby, just telling the facts.


After walking out of the TV station.

As Yang Mi said, there are indeed many reporters.

Originally, “Tomorrow’s Superstar” attracted more attention.

After Lu Zimu went crazy about Versailles, it attracted countless audiences.


Outside the TV station.

But a lot of journalists and fans came.

One by one, the focus was on Lu Zimu’s body.

When he appeared with Yang Mi, it attracted everyone’s attention.

“Mr. Lu.”

“You are crazy showing off your wealth on stage.”

“Aren’t you afraid of this kind of behavior and causing disgust among the public?”

After seeing Lu Zimu.

A reporter immediately began to ask questions.

“Show off your wealth?”

“Am I showing off my wealth?”

“Please don’t slander me, I never liked to show off my wealth.”

Lu Zimu said with a smile: “It’s just that the show let me introduce it, I’ll just tell you about some of my family situation!” ”

Reporter: “…”

Audience: “…”

This answer.

It seems to be explaining, but it is not Versailles.

What is called a family situation.

That’s not what others think is showing off wealth.

Here in Lu Zimu, it is just a very ordinary family situation.

“Mr. Lu.”

“There were rumors before that your relationship with Yang Mi is not simple.”

“Even, some people say that you were raised by her, is there any such thing?”

Another reporter asked.

This is also an issue of great concern in itself.

After all, the scandal between Lu Zimu and Yang Mi was indeed rumored.

Hear this question.

Yang Mi was trying to clarify.

As a result, Lu Zimu had already spoken directly.


“How could Boss Yang take care of me.”

“You said that Boss Yang covets my beauty, and it is a little more reliable than raising me.”

Lu Zimu immediately said: “But I am so rich, there are several people in the world who can afford to support me, this is absolutely groundless, outrageous!” ”

Yang Mi: “??? ”

Reporter: “??? ”

Audience: “??? ”

This explanation made everyone confused.

Can you still clarify the scandal like this, can it really be said so?

“Hahaha, laugh at me!”

“Sister Honey covets Lu Zimu’s beauty, how can he say it!”

“Although he is very handsome, this is also too narcissistic, Yang Mi is dumbfounded!”

“Sister Honey: I don’t want face, in front of outsiders, you can’t leave me a little face!”

“Although it is very funny, but Lu Zimu is so rich, it is indeed impossible for anyone to be raised, only he can support others!”

“If that’s the case, could it be that he kept Yang Mi and not Yang Mi raised him?”

“Can’t Lu Zimu and Yang Mi be happy with each other, but instead nurture each other, don’t be so dirty!”

For Lu Zimu’s explanation.

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s just that Yang Mi is a little strained.

This seems to be an explanation, but it seems that nothing is explained.

However, at least this will not make people think that she has raised Lu Zimu, which can be regarded as half of the explanation.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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