In the anxious faces of everyone.

Lu Zimu walked onto the stage in a daze.

This image.

Let everyone see at a glance.

He looked like he had just woken up, which made everyone speechless for an instant.

Everyone was so anxious, but Lu Zimu was so comfortable.

For the competition.

He is also not nervous at all, but he can be described as willful to the extreme.

“Lu Zimu is sleeping inside?”

“We are in such a hurry, but he sleeps in it?”

“You can tell at his appearance, this is obviously the appearance of just waking up, and now he is not awake!”

“It’s worthy of being the prince, others compete for him to sleep, it’s so willful!”

“Bah, if it weren’t for his handsomeness, I really wish I could punch him twice, it’s great to have money!”

For Lu Zimu’s state.

Everyone couldn’t help but complain.

However, complaining and complaining, they have no intention of not watching the show on this point.

“I miss classmate Lu Zimu.”

“He must have been too nervous to play and practice all night before he accidentally fell asleep.”

“So, let’s applaud him and encourage him as a sign of seriousness about the game!”

He Jiu was stunned for a while.

Then, his reaction was extremely fast, and he immediately started a circle.

If Lu Zimu makes the audience dissatisfied, it will also affect the reputation of the show.

“No, no, no.”

“I didn’t stay up all night preparing for the show.”

“Actually, I accidentally overslept by playing with Reba and Naza all night!”

Lu Zimu is an honest good boy.

He never liked to talk or hide his actions.

He Jiu: “??? ”

Yang Mi: “??? ”

Audience: “??? ”

After hearing this explanation.

Everyone was stunned at the same time, all a little confused.

What’s going on.

He Jiudu helped explain, and this matter passed.

Instead, Lu Zimu demolished the platform for himself, so he had to make this matter unbearable?

And after the reaction.

Everyone completely exploded.


“You guys playing all night?”

“And with Reba and Naza?”

He Jiu looked shocked.

Even he was a little slow to speak.

Just because of this topic, every minute is likely to become a program accident.

If Lu Zimu hadn’t explained it clearly, the impact would have been really big or small.

This topic.

Yang Mi also instantly became nervous.

She didn’t know about this, and if she knew, she would definitely not let Lu Zimu say it.

A boy, playing all night with two girls, this kind of thing is still good.

Especially these three people, who are all public figures, is even more amazing

“Playing all night? Is it so exciting? ”

“Lu Zimu said such explosive gossip so casually!”

“What, not only with Reba, but also Naza, is this really good?”

“Ahem, I want to know what game can be played until dawn, is Lu Zimu really so talented?”

“If it’s Reba and Naza, I think I can, even if it’s scrapped afterwards, it’s worth it!”

“Ah, ah, I’m so jealous, why can Lu Zimu play like this, is it because he has money!”

All the spectators are frying.

This news is really exciting.

Lu Zimu’s casual words made everyone extremely excited.

One by one, they were thinking about what game the three were playing.

What a game that can be played by three people together, and you can also play all night.

The more you guess it.

It made everyone more and more excited.

The entire live broadcast room is already a mess of porridge.


“We fought the landlord!”

“They are so whimsical that they will try to win over me, the gambling god, and I will eat them to death by treating them all landlords!”

Speaking of this.

Lu Zimu’s whole person was excited.


“Are you talking about the Dou Di Lord?”

He Jiu was a little stunned.

He thought it was a very exciting content, but he didn’t expect it to be as simple as fighting the landlord.

If it’s a landlord.

Of course, it takes three people to play.

Moreover, three people play fighting the landlord, and there is no fuss.

But this answer.

Obviously, it is not in everyone’s imagination.

“Of course, it’s the landlord.”

“Moreover, I am so rich, it is naturally impossible to be a farmer.”

“Therefore, I will be the landlord, no matter what the card is, I will be the landlord.”

Lu Zimule said: “Hahaha, the two of them fight me alone, and they can’t win me, they are too stupid!” ”

He Jiu: “…”

Audience: “…”

For Lu Zimu, this inexplicable desire to win or lose.

Everyone was speechless and didn’t know what mood it was.

Alone with two goddesses.

Lu Zimu actually thought of the Dou Di Lord.

The most outrageous thing is that he only wants to win and has no other mind.

It’s good to have a desire to win or lose.

But if it is used in this place, it will feel inexplicable.

People don’t know if Lu Zimu is simple and good, or too straight.

“This damn desire to win or lose!”

“A lonely man and widow in the middle of the night, and still two goddesses, you tell me that it is the landlord!”

“If someone else said it, I definitely wouldn’t believe it, but you see Lu Zimu’s excitement, I believe it’s really a landlord!”

“Hahaha, laugh at me to death, after talking for so long, it turned out to be just fighting the landlord, and he also said that Reba and Nazab are stupid, really straight men of steel!”

“I just knew that fighting the landlord to rob the landlord is also to share whether there is money or not, I thought it was only to see the cards!”

“You can’t hold back He Jiu’s smile, he must also want to be crooked!”

Everyone was happy.

None of them could have imagined such a reversal.

Late at night with two goddesses, just fighting with them landlords.


Lu Zimu’s desire to win or lose is still so strong.

I just want to win them, and I have no other mind.

This is what makes everyone feel speechless.

If it were anyone else, they wouldn’t be able to fight only the landlord.


Before that.

Everyone will want to be crooked.

Including He Jiu, otherwise he would not be so shocked.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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