
Lu Zimu lay on the sofa.

He had just returned from Yang Mi’s side and had just arrived home.

Of course.

It’s not because he sent her home, he came back so late~ .

In fact.

Lu Zimu is – eating at Yang Mi’s house.

Moreover, this is her own cooking, making a meal for him.

She usually rarely cooks, and personally cooks for Lu Zimu.

It’s not just about eating.

His treatment in her home was simply like an emperor.

She poured tea for her again and cut fruit for him.

To the end.

Yang Mi also had to beat Lu Zimu’s leg and back, and the service was called thoughtful.

And the reason why she did it this way.

It was because of his previous sentence to see her performance.

To behave a little better.

It is also so that Lu Zimu can be discouraged.

Yang Mi took the initiative to do these things.

Without him, it’s just to satisfy him.

This treatment.

Yang Mi didn’t know whether he was her employee or her nanny now.

Anyway, she is here in Lu Zimu.

I never enjoyed the right to be a boss.

It’s a babysitter.

She has done it many times.

However, this time Yang Mi was also willing.

There is no way.

It is to know how Lu Zimu managed to earn 300 million.

Therefore, Yang Mi can only be this nanny until he is satisfied.

One thought about it.

Lu Zimu couldn’t help but be happy.

This treatment really makes him extremely comfortable.


He didn’t lie either.

Because, Lu Zimu really earned 300 million.

Even, he earned more than 300 million, which is indeed a real thing.

After thinking about it.

He picked up the laptop next to him.


Lu Zimu quickly opened a piece of software.

This is a stock-like trading software with some charts.

“Forty dollars.”

“When I bought it before, it was only sixteen dollars.”

“It’s up 150 percent in a few days, although it will break through $100 later.”

“But during this period, there will be several sharp falls, which have risen to the top in the short term, and will soon fall!”

After watching for a while.

Lu Zimu made a decision based on his past life memories.

This is a virtual coin.

And this virtual currency is also equivalent to a game of drumming and passing flowers.

Just people who know this kind of market.

They all know about this virtual coin, and sooner or later it will thunder.

It’s just a matter of early time.

Because this existence is equivalent to a currency, but without any national credit endorsement of the currency.

Money itself carries no value.

It is because of the national credit endorsement that the currency has a corresponding value.

Currencies without any national credit endorsement can only exist like waste paper.


These virtual coins.

It has no value in itself.

But now everyone is playing this game of drumming and passing flowers.

It depends on whose hands this virtual coin will be passed to, and the thunderstorm will begin.

The last person to take over will be bloodless.

Everyone understands this, but they are betting that they won’t be the last.

Especially seeing the skyrocketing of virtual coins.

It will still make many people invest regardless of the risk.

As long as the benefits are visible in front of you.

All future risks can be ignored.

And the reason why Lu Zimu invested in this virtual coin.

That is, he knows that the plate of this virtual coin is still very large, and the daily trading volume is very objective.

With his input.

It will not affect this plate.

Moreover, he also knew that this virtual coin, after holding on for a long time, finally thundered.

Among the many virtual coins, they are relatively strong existences.


Lu Zimu will treat this virtual currency as his own cash machine.

Just for a few days.

This virtual coin has more than doubled its price.

But Lu Zimu’s return on investment.

It’s not just about doubling.


Although he only invested five million.

But at the same time, he also used fifty times the trading leverage.

Five million, suddenly magnified to 250 million funds.

The so-called trading leverage.

It is equivalent to using the principal as a margin, and then obtaining funds in multiples.

And if you do that.

It allows investors to control more funds with less principal

But for every doubling of leverage, the risk is doubled.

Whether it is a loss or a gain, it will directly double.

For example, ten times the leverage.

A hundred pieces is equivalent to a thousand.

As long as the price rises or falls by more than 10%, either directly profit double the principal, or directly liquidate the position.

After ten times magnification.

A 10% rise or fall will become 100%.

And fifty times the trading leverage.

That’s putting the money fifty times higher.

A hundred pieces is equivalent to five thousand.

Not to mention ten percent, even a two-percent drop is enough to make the principal directly explode.

Lu Zimu just invested five million in the principal.

But with fifty times leverage, he is equivalent to controlling 250 million.

And this time.

The virtual coin rose directly by 150%.

This made Lu Zimu make a net profit of 375 million at once.


He made three hundred million as he said before.

In fact, it is not nonsense, but really earned so much.

After watching for a while.

Lu Zimu sold it directly.

All the virtual coins he held were sold at once.

Although, he knows that this is not a high, and it will break through a hundred dollars in the future.

Other words.

If you keep it, you can also earn several times more money.

But at the same time.

Lu Zimu also knew that in the near future, this virtual currency would plummet.

Don’t say a hundred dollars.

Instead, it will fall directly through the floor, not even ten dollars.

With his fifty times the trading leverage.

There is no need to fall to $10, as long as it falls below $15, it will directly blow up the position.

This is the case with virtual coins.

Soaring and plummeting, positive.

Therefore, Lu Zimu naturally cannot hold it all the time, which is originally a short-term investment.

Now cash out, you can directly profit more than 300 million.

And always held the words.

Even the principal will be wiped out.

How to choose this is already clear at a glance.

The whole transaction process was very smooth.

He soon sold all the virtual coins in batches.

The reason why Lu Zimu chose this virtual coin.

In addition to the biggest short-term increase, it is more because the plate is large enough and the trading volume is also considerable.

Here it comes.

His virtual currency will not affect the broader market.

Moreover, he does not have to worry about smashing in his hands, and he can easily change hands.

That’s why.

Lu Zimu will choose this virtual coin.

He used this as an ATM, not planning to sink the money into the sea.

And soon.

375 million will be there.

This made Lu Zimu’s mood extremely happy all of a sudden.

Although, the country does not recognize the legitimacy of this virtual currency.

However, at the same time, there is no legislation in China to prevent the holding and trading of virtual currencies.

Individual players can still legally hold and trade.

Therefore, Lu Zimu can easily transfer money to a domestic bank account.

It’s just a little fee, and there is nothing else to worry about.

“It’s so easy to make money.”

“With that money, something can be done.”

“If you can get up tomorrow, go to Jiahe and do this!”

Lu Zimu couldn’t help but think of this.

Although, he did not ask Yang Mi why he was allowed to go to the company.

But something.

He doesn’t even need to ask, he can guess.


Lu Zimu did not intend to do this.

Therefore, Yang Mi asked him to go to the company, most of them were meaningless.

But at the same time.

He had another idea.

If you can.

Lu Zimu will be more free.

The thought of this made him feel like he had too much to do.

It made him feel like he was working hard.

However, if you work hard for a day, you will benefit later. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s well worth it.

“Bored to death.”

“Find someone to play at home!”

I don’t know if it’s a relationship of sleeping too much during the day.

This made Lu Zimu not sleepy at all, and he just wanted to have some fun.

And soon.

He thought of Reba.

Because he remembered that she had recently filmed in the capital, and there should be time now.


“What are you doing?”

After the call is connected.

Lu Zimu said directly.

“Don’t mention it.”

“I’m going to see the house now.”

“You don’t even know how unlucky I am, working overtime to film and going to see the house!”

The other end of the phone.

Reba’s depressed voice came.

As soon as she heard Lu Zimu’s voice, she seemed to have found a mouthful.

“This evening, I still look at the house.”

“Have you made a lot of money recently, so you are in such a hurry to buy a house!”

Lu Zimu teased.

At the same time, he also found it strange.

It’s almost twelve o’clock now, and it’s a little strange to go to see the house at this time.

“What a house to buy.”

“I want to rent a house, and I gave up the previous house.”

“You don’t even know how annoying I am, I have to film until midnight during the day, and now I have to find a house.”

Reba said aggrievedly: “I’m so unlucky, I don’t know when I can find a house, I’m afraid I won’t be able to play games with you for many days!” ”

Once that’s it.

Her tone was even more aggrieved.

“Why check out.”

“Didn’t you just rent your previous house for a long time?”

Lu Zimu asked again, “Is there anything wrong with this house?” ”

“There is no problem with the house.”

“But there was a problem with the landlord, he harassed me all day.”

“Send me messages every day and say disgusting things.”

“This kind of landlord, I can’t rent for a day, and now I am staying in a hotel.”

Reba sighed and said, “I won’t say it, now I’m going to drive over to see the house, and I’ll talk to you when the time comes!” ”


Lu Zimu was silent for a moment.

It is indeed disgusting to meet this kind of landlord.

Especially Reba is still a star.

When she encounters this kind of thing, it is even more inconvenient to deal with.

Things got bigger.

All kinds of gossip will come out.

Therefore, Reba can only simply withdraw the house and come out of sight.


“I want to see you now.”

“Come to me in half an hour, otherwise, don’t regret it!”

Lu Zimu said directly.

Subsequently, he sent an address directly to his mobile phone.

Take Reba’s current location.

Half an hour to rush over, it is more than enough.


“What’s going on?”

“Isn’t it okay tomorrow? Don’t you scare me? ”

Reba felt very inexplicable.

But Lu Zimu didn’t answer anything, and hung up the phone directly.

After thinking of Reba’s eager and helpless voice.

This made him laugh again.

Lu Zimu wanted to see if Reba would come over.

And he did it for purpose.

There is no other reason than pure personal bad taste.

Just look at how much weight you have in Reba’s heart.

If Reba comes right away.

That must have been treating him as a true friend.

If you come over after looking at the house, there is no friendship.

If only it couldn’t be straightforward.

It shows that the two are not friends.

Of course.

Lu Zimu is not idle.

He also prepared a surprise for Reba.

If Reba comes over, you can see this surprise.

As for if she doesn’t come.

Then this surprise is directly gone.

Twenty minutes later.

Lu Zimu just played a game.

The doorbell rang, which made him laugh instantly.


After opening the door.

Reba was standing right outside the door.

She still looked breathless.

It seems that she is in a very hurry to be like this.

As soon as I saw Reba.

Lu Zimu knew that she cared about herself very much.

If it weren’t for a real friend, he would never have been in such a hurry.

It seems that his weight in her heart is still much higher than that of ordinary friends.

“It scares me to death.”

“I thought you were going to kill yourself.”

“I almost thought I would never see you!”

Reba said while panting.

Seeing that Lu Zimu was still fine, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Lu Zimu: “??? ”

He is going to kill himself?

This kind of brain circuit made him really unexpected.

With Lu Zimu’s character, how could he commit suicide.

Who committed suicide.

It’s not his turn.

However, this must have been a great concern for him to think of this possibility.

“Why are you in a hurry to see me for no reason.”

“It’s like you can’t wait until tomorrow if you don’t see me?”

Reba said: “You don’t know that I missed a good house just because of your call, do you know how difficult it is to find the right house now?” ”

Speaking of this.

Her heart was very helpless, but she couldn’t get angry.

“Miss a good house.”

“So what do you think of my house?”

“If you were to live in this kind of house, would you think it would be appropriate?”

Lu Zimu asked.

At the same time, he recognized the location and gave Reba a good look at the house.

Reba has never been to this house.

It had always been on the old house, and this was her first time here.

“Of course that’s good.”

“This is from a mansion, how can it be bad.”

“If I were to live in this kind of house, of course I would like this house, how could it not be suitable!”

Reba said without hesitation.

There are really not many people who don’t like this kind of mansion.


This decoration style is also very suitable for her aesthetic.

It was much better than the house she had rented before, and the house she was going to see.

It’s just that this kind of house is not easy to find.

Even if you are willing to rent, it is difficult to meet someone to release it.


“You want me to move in with you.”

“This can’t work, if Sister Honey knows, she will be angry!”

Reba hesitated.

In the end, she still refused the matter.

Living together is such a thing, she still can’t agree.

And most importantly.

After Yang Mi knew about this, it would definitely not be allowed.

After all, if Lu Zimu and Reba live together, the whole network will explode directly.

Here it comes.

Let Reba think about it, but still dare not accept this matter.

Although, she felt that moving over to live with Lu Zimu must be a very interesting thing.

But after thinking about some of the effects, it still made her refuse.

Lu Zimu: “??? ”

This idea made him completely unexpected.

Reba even thought of cohabitation.

Most importantly, her attitude turned out to be worried that Yang Mi would be angry.

Other words.

If it weren’t for the relationship between Yang Mi.

Then Reba will agree to cohabitation?

This point was indeed something that Lu Zimu could not have imagined. I can’t help but laugh nine.

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